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  • Can I launch to PH with just a website showing the idea

    Ivaylo Shirokanski
    1 reply
    Hi, I am new to Product Hunt and I want to see whether my idea for a start-up is worth building. Can I launch on Product Hunt with just a website that describes the concept and shows a video of how the platform might work? I would like to see whether people find the idea itself valuable. Do you think that this is the right platform for this? Any advice would be more then appreciated. The product idea is an AI reading app that helps professionals conduct research - help them go through documents faster, extract the relevant information quicker, automate some of the research using AI's help (building no-code type of functions), group their research into sections and have AI replies based on those sections documents etc.


    Tyrone Robb
    Launching soon!
    The short answer is NO. People need to be able to use your product here.