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  • [ChangeLog] January 12, 2023 release notes: comment awards, Rewind, and Golden Kitty Awards

    Jamie Sprowl
    9 replies

    Comment awards

    One of the reasons we love our community so much is that genuine feedback is not hard to come by. Now, you can get recognized by makers for your helpful suggestions, finds, and witty comments.

    Makers - we encourage you to hand out these awards (3 per launch) and share the love with your supporters. Do so by reviewing your launch post comments and clicking “award” on the ones you’d like to highlight.

    comment awards

    The Golden Kitty Awards

    If you’re new here, you may not have heard about our favorite event every year, which is basically like the Oscars of Tech. The Golden Kitty Awards are voted on by the community to celebrate the best products and makers each year.

    How it works: You nominate products in each of the categories from now through Friday, January 13, at 11:59pm PT. Then on Monday, January 16, you’ll start voting for finalists in each category.

    In total, there are 24 categories, which you can nominate and vote for who you’d like to take home a reimagined, sleek kitty trophy.

    Keep in mind: Products you nominate need to have launched in 2022.

    Golden Kitty Award

    Product Hunt Rewind

    2022 will go down in history as the year everyone did their own version of Spotify Wrapped - so in the highest form of flattery, we did it as well. The fun backstory is that Product Hunt Rewind was an idea born from our internal Hackathon where the small team of engineers, designers, and marketers built this experience in nearly 1 week and took home their own Golden Kitty.

    Get your Rewind to see and share your stats from 2022! If you already have the Product Hunt mobile app installed, make sure you’re on the latest version to see your Rewind. And thanks for all the love from those that already shared!

    Rewind love


    Harshvardhan Mishra
    Buying Bottlenecks by Storylane
    I think I am getting addicted to PH 🐈 Loved this new addition of awards as well as already got my rewind. Super excited to see finalists for Golden Kitty!
    Chris Messina
    Hoping this change will nudge commenters in a more thoughtful, productive direction — and away from the throwaway "congrats on the launch" spammy comments!
    flo merian
    @chrismessina +1 Would love to highlight comments in Discussions, too
    David Cagigas
    Great Work!
    Adithya Shreshti
    As early members of Product Hunt, we are happy and amazed at the number of brilliant changes done by Product Hunt team during 2021-22 [Be it the big ones like Product Hubs, or nifty ones like comment rewards, coming soon etc] which we haven't seen in the previous 6-7 years. The pace of recent execution is excellent, these thoughtful features are much needed now and makes a world of difference. I am sure it's an addiction now for 100s of folks whom I had the opportunity to introduce PH to, over the years - especially first time makers and founders. Kudos to the whole team @jamie_sprowl for hustling hard while keeping the community as the top priority. And definitely looking forward for the Oscars of Tech ;) Ps: Look mom, my tweet made it to PH's banner post image 💪🏼 ;)
    Jamie Sprowl
    @adithya this is so nice! Thanks for sharing the praise and encouragement. We're working hard every day to make this place great and many kudos to our community members like yourself that shine a bright light.