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  • Content Oyster launched today—massive thank you, PH! 🚀🚀🚀

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    Happy Friday, PH community! Content Oyster launched today and I wanted to share a massive thank you to everyone here really. I’m an introvert and this is a massive solo project that I’m introducing to the world, so spending the day as a featured product in the top 20 and getting incredible advice means a lot and I’m super inspired to put feedback to work and make Content Oyster even better in 2024. ✨ To view the launch and support: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/content-oyster Some things I learned along the way: - Spend plenty of time building community and sharing your product with others. Social media is a great way to do this, but having 1:1s with old colleagues, friends, and even random people who may not use your product can be just as valuable. I focused on 2-3 platforms plus cold and organic outreach to keep my bases covered. - Embrace feedback, even the negative ones. Not everyone will like or understand your product, and that’s okay; hopefully they’re constructive about it. I got some feedback that would’ve left another version of me stunted or upset, but instead, I took notes, processed it, and looked for opportunities to improve. Even if I didn’t implement some of it, knowing how to handle such is vital. At the end of the day, I still think most people mean well and want to see you succeed. - Just launch. I pushed my launch for weeks/months wanting to get things perfect but we all know that can’t happen. I even tried to push my launch again but forgot to hit submit and was greeted with surprise notifications. 😂 But I’m glad it happened because I was my own obstacle in this case and I might’ve stayed stuck. This is my way of paying it forward as I’ve spent the last few months learning from pros here in preparation for my launch. Hoping this helps the next person—happy launching!
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