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  • 🎯 Describe your product in 3 words... Go!

    Evelina Radoycheva
    42 replies
    Be creative and describe your product in only three words.


    Ivan Homola
    Lunadio - Early-stage founders' community
    Chandramouli Dorai
    Online password manager for teams Digital signature app for business signatories
    Nathan Challen
    🌱 habit β†’ change 🌏 β†’ amplify πŸš€ greenhabit.app I know emojis are cheating 🀣
    Nathan Challen
    @eve_rad Thanks! I've been challenged by bio line character limits before but wow 3 words is really tough.
    Fabian Maume
    qapop.com : Unlock Quora's Potential
    Evelina Radoycheva
    @fabian_maume well that's something. I'm just starting with Quora ads so this might come in very handy.
    Iliya Valchanov
    Whitelabel, booking, meeting
    Dagobert Renouf
    Designer Logo Generator - logology.co
    Sarfraz S
    DNGuide.in - Domainer's Reference Guide
    Arthur Coudouy
    Integration Marketplace for GitLabβ„’
    Integration Marketplace for GitLabβ„’
    Effective Code Reviewing πŸ‘Œ
    Ruben Wolff
    corepo.org = company indexing tool
    Nunzio Martinello
    Fastest productivity app (or 'tasks and calendars')
    Adrian Cole
    Social Audio Communities
    Vio Vanica
    MyFocusSpace - accountability, network, "get things done"
    sulyman moyo
    NFT Hunt, Discover new NFTs
    Akiflow - productive task management
    Miri Blayckher
    Cocohub - create humanlike bots πŸ€–
    Karl Gustav Annus
    Respiray – Wearable air purifier 🦠 (https://respiray.com/)
    Linda Liepa
    Accept cryptocurrency payments - https://coingate.com/accept Spend your cryptocurrencies - https://coingate.com/gift-cards
    Evelina Radoycheva
    @linda_liepa I've heard about CoinGate but I've never used it. Is "Gift cards" a new service?
    Linda Liepa
    @eve_rad Gift cards were introduced last year, but just recently we have started to expand our store. Crypto enthusiasts can purchase vouchers from well know brands and you don't have to be registered to buy gift cards from our store.
    Ron Oren
    Personalized AI editing (: