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  • DEVs of Product Hunt: How do you implement custom emails?

    Moritz Tomasi
    3 replies
    Hei there! I've been a developer for quite some time, and over the course of that time i saw a lot of change, especially in web development. But coding emails can still be infuriating and email clients are stuck in the past. So, how do you implement your emails? Do you use visual email template builders? Have you ever used frameworks like Maizzle or MJML? Do you let someone else do the work and buy some nice, ready made templates? Or do you like nesting tables so much, that you do it all the old fashioned way?


    Moritz Tomasi
    Coding custom emails can be incredibly tedious and frustrating. We've created components, sections, layouts and templates with MJML which you can use to create your custom emails. We'll be launching on August 9th and would be very happy about your support. We'll be giving away the first 10 seats for free, and everyone coming from Product Hunt will get 20% off. So head over to our Coming Soon page and hit the "Notify me" button. https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Peyt Spencer Dewar
    Look into SendGrid
    Moritz Tomasi
    @psd Hei Peyt! I've been using SendGrid as my main email service for the last few years and i really enjoy using it. Their visual email template builder is really nice, but for some very specific designs i have to resort to coding. That's why we made mailbites.