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  • Did you build anything using no-code tools?

    Sharath Kuruganty
    57 replies
    Drop your lessons and tips from your experience of working with no-code tools! Bonus points if you suggest a tool that can be helpful with specific tasks.


    Nasir Ilyas
    I did not use any no-code tools. But you should definitely check out typedream.com Their product videos look really nice
    Hannah Wiginton
    Airtable! I've built a marketing database, books database, plant tracker and lots more!
    I'm pretty new to the no-code game since I love to code things. However, sometimes it's just so much easier and less time consuming to use no-code tools. A good example for this are landing pages: each time you work on a new product, you need a landing page. But it's so time consuming to build a fast, converting and great looking landing page. So I'm now using https://fabulous.so to build landing pages for all my projects. (I'm the creator of fabulous.so, since I wanted to solve this exact problem :p). I'm excited to hear which no-code you are using!
    Anil Meena
    Few websites including our own homepage (www.pensil.in) in webflow. and few other service using webflow, zapier, airtable and memberstack. But building regularly in bubble like social networking website (FB, LinkedIn, and Instagram), online course builder(udemy, coursera, skillshare etc), task management apps (trello and asana); and building more and more to launch something soon built on nocode. However the learning process has been to "start with basic tutorial which are usually available on their website" and build something basic.. then begin with advance apps ... and the best thing to do is to join their community,.. they have been really helpful
    Sofya Narbut
    Used to work for a company that built almost 100 websites on Webflow. A great tool for pixel-perfect web pages! Also, some time ago I made myself a CV on Readymag, it was pretty easy to figure out and I did it really quickly. Though I heard from many people that it can get buggy... Really want to try this one https://cargo.site/, heard it's pretty awesome and makes good automatic responsive design,
    Tahmina Webster
    I can advise you on the https://www.andromo.com/ platform, I liked the beautiful design and the ease of use
    Product Hunt
    Product Hunt
    Yep! I just taught some Delhi government school students how to use Glide. The govt has introduced Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum in schools now. The students I'm working with are building an app to find the nearest tailors.
    Xavier Coiffard
    Marketing4Makers Community
    Marketing4Makers Community
    I built several tools with no code. I love it because I can ship an idea in a few days and make it public. That's the best market validation ever! I created: - https://spreadtheworld.net - a database of 400+ places to post your startup (Made with airtable, flurly and Zapier) - https://remoteFR.com, a job board with Table2Site and Airtable. Took me less than 2 days to build! - http://m4m.so - A Marketing4Makers community. Made with Discord and Flurly. I'll add some knowledge base soon, it will be powered by Notion! I also created a marketplace with Bubble to validate your ideas called IdeaHunt. But its a dead project
    Joshua Dance
    Summer Bod 2020
    Trying to build a searchable, filterable database, but getting stuck. I think Airtable will work for the backend, but don't know how to connect it to the front end.
    Joshua Dance
    Summer Bod 2020
    @krisztian_poka that would be great. What tools would you recommend. I am thinking Airtable and Softr right now?
    Free Coloring Pages Generator
    @krisztian_poka @joshdance depends on product. Softr, Bubble, AppGyver(100% free), Draftbit, Adalo, Thunkable, ... the list never ends :)
    Tomislav Mamić
    I've built 2 apps using Coda. If you want ability to work with complex flows and manage complex data without code, Coda is awesome solution.
    Stefan Smiljkovic
    Built deahunter.com using Automatio, Zapier, Webflow, Outseta, Google Sheet
    Jacob Kao
    Microsoft dynamics is also a no-code tools that consist of lots of services where you can use it to create cases accounts name and so on.
    Joanna Kurylo
    Yes!! I used Typedream to build out www.atompay.me. Used for: Building out a website / landing pages Why Better? We wanted a web builder that was easy enough for anybody on the team to update and make changes fast. Our entire team uses Notion, so using Typedream was completely natural.
    Ryan Tando - Dezbor.com
    Launching soon!
    I'm using zapier + my app https://duply.co to generate image automatically
    Dave Bain
    No code is great if you have something simple or very standard that you need to mock up quickly. I often use webflow to find or create new web page layouts quickly, however I would never build my real website here, and I think this would apply across many - 1) not customisable enough (DB options etc) 2) cost creep, lets face it if you're here you really care about cost 3) you are stuck in that tool and it will hinder your innovation ultimately.
    Free Coloring Pages Generator
    @davob Or split into different abstraction layers so you reduce risks when scaling. Also could use opensource platforms. As in: if you have your own database on posgres use then nocoDB for airtable-like platform and get some APis easily. Then Use a no-code / low-code platform for front end (webflow , bubble, appgyver, draftbit...depending on use case). When you get more user, see you're stressing the servers & cost, then move the front end into a fully coded self-hosted solution. You'll already have a lot available and probably would cut your front end dev cost by 50% anyway. what do you think?
    It's probably the most common of no-code tools, but I rely heavily (probably a bit too heavily!) on Zapier for my premium newsletter. I opted to build my membership platform and integrate it with my ESP, instead of using a 'packaged product', and so Zapier is my best friend. It meant I could avoid the huge % commissions that most providers charge! P.s. you can see the end product at https://thechattymammoth.com
    @janinah Thanks! did you have a look at the website?
    @hazheyworth sorry should have specified I meant in your description - Helping the time poor read more :)
    @janinah Ah! That's the tagline for our business! Glad you like it, its been through a few iterations :)
    Marie Martens
    We use Tally combined with other no-code tools to automate our own startup (a bit biased here as I'm a co-founder): - We collect user feedback with Tally forms and automatically sync it to our Notion backlog - Our help center and showcase page is built with Notion, and hosted plus customized with Super (https://help.tally.so) - Personal website built with Tally (https://filipminev.com) Why do we use no-code tools? Easy, fast, and budget-friendly!
    Jan Gršič
    Yess, we use Shogun for our Shopify store and it works great!
    Chetan Jogi
    Read Something Funny
    Read Something Funny
    Hey Sharath, Built https://www.readsomethingfunny.com/ using entirely no code stack. Launched it on PH yesterday as well! 1. Front-end - Softr 2. Back-end - Airtable No-code is the future of building products. Any no-code tool for building bots? (Especially Twitter bots)
    Olivia Bridges
    No code tool is nice to learn. but still did not launch any product yet.