Do you know any platform where people share about projects they build in public?
Sergey Potikhanov
5 replies
Would you like to see that one? I'm thinking about developing something like this, maybe connect it to facebook/twitter/github (integration with github could allow you to comment commits/pull requests to give insights to the public).
What's your thoughts?
Anastasia Reich@anastasia_reich
Sense — Automatic Work Hub
Launching soon!
Makerlog, IndieHackers
For design projects, platforms such as Behance, Dribbble, and DeviantArt are often used to showcase work and share updates.
Yes, there are several platforms where people can share their projects or ideas. Popular ones include GitHub, Reddit,, Indie Hackers, Product Hunt, and CodePen.
Product Cell
@jaynmehta I'm looking for something like feed of updates for the project (something like what's changed sections on the websites, but in the form of social platform). What if the project is not open source? Github doesn't help with that. Codepen too. Product Hunt is mainly for launches, people usually don't post here update about every new feature.