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  • Do you think creativity beats accuracy? (ChatGPT vs BARD) Or is it first come first serve?

    Alara Akcasiz
    11 replies
    According to my latest discussion ChatGPT = Creative & BARD = Accurate. It looks like ChatGPT remains a winner.


    Debajit Sarkar
    The answer varies with the situation. Sometimes, you need to unleash your imagination more than your precision. For instance, when you craft a piece of art with words, like a poem or a story, you should prioritize being creative and expressing yourself. But other times, you need to stick to the facts more than your flair. For instance, when you report a piece of science or news with words, you should prioritize being accurate and providing factual information.
    Well, they do say rules are meant to be broken, and ChatGPT seems to have taken that to heart! Who needs accuracy when you have boundless creativity?πŸ˜‚
    Dexter Awoyemi
    It's interesting. In human culture, storytelling wins. When it comes to Information processing, accuracy does. And in ChatGPT vs Bard, we just launched a Nack AI, a pretty creative app that bets on the more accurate model 😬
    Madalina B
    For me Creativity wind over accuracy, so team ChatGPT
    @madalina_barbu yeah me too. I am still gaga over what chatgpt can do. My son just got a very suspicious A+ on his English essay!
    Hazel Lim
    Narrated Tours (On Demand Audio Guides)
    Narrated Tours (On Demand Audio Guides)
    I've been using both to build my AI audio tour generator project. Here's what I found: - ChatGPT v4 trumps v3 when it comes to accuracy (of code, in particular). It's logical reasoning ability helps navigate issues where a direct solution isn't apparent. - Bard gives up quicker than ChatGPT. In its ability to be creative it will keep coming up with alternative (50% wrong). Bard just gives up and says I can't do it. The optimist in me prefers ChatGPT. You feel like you're making progress with every prompt!
    Sanjay Rakshit
    Creativity as I can balance it some with accuracy :-) Pure accuracy would be boring.
    David Johnson
    I've actually found Bard to be less accurate than ChatGPT in spite of having access to real-time search. I think one of Open AI's secret sauces is accuracy in spite of the clear limitations of their products.
    Notion Minimalist Habit Tracker
    Notion Minimalist Habit Tracker
    Even though Bard AI knows me and ChatGPT does not. I still favor ChatGPT as Bard just seems to just return google results and seem of quality and value compared to chatGPT.
    Chris Watson
    First come, first serve is nice to grab the major audience on your side, but at the end, everyone needs accurate and latest data.
    Paul Pamfil
    The comparison between creativity and accuracy, such as when contrasting AI models like ChatGPT and BARD, really depends on the context and the specific needs of the user.