Does anyone suffer from indecision or choice paralysis?How do you resolve it?
Andre Wong
7 replies
Hi PH,we are a team from Taiwan.
We developed an AI-powered app which can help you find good eats around you.
Does anyone ever struggle with finding the time to decide what to eat?Do you think a tool for this is actually helpful?
Emily Thompson@emilythompson
I struggle with this a lot too! What helps me is setting a timer and forcing myself to make a decision before it goes off, otherwise indecision can eat up so much time and mental energy. Getting input from others can help too. But I like your dice roll method, might have to try that one!
To be honest, I often struggle with what to eat, but I usually decide which food to eat by rolling the dice. Different numbers correspond to different foods.
@feliciana_liu I assume that you are from mainland China,you prefer to leave your fate to the roll of a dice?
I tend to freeze up when there are too many options.
@scarlett_dean can you really accept letting AI make the choices for you?
That's a great idea! My first thought is that a tool for finding good eats that accommodates different preferences would be very helpful. Additionally, being able to get recommendations tailored to your location and needs, and potentially get insights on specific menu items, could take a lot of the stress out of deciding where and what to dine.
@ewa_jakubiec Our current app leverages AI to accurately recommend food that matches your preferences,even if you write a poem or sing a song