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  • Drop your Twitter and Let's connect each other

    Charlie Kor
    32 replies
    Looking for like-minded people to follow and talk about Building in Public, Building Audiences, and AI. Let's connect on Twitter! Drop your Twitter handle! I'll follow you!


    Excited for your launch @charlie_lee1 πŸ‘πŸΌ https://twitter.com/AgilEmpath
    Bjarn Bronsveld
    Sure! Always interested in connecting with other makers :) https://twitter.com/bjarnbronsveld
    Hi everyone! It's Sandra here, launching Klu.so on the 18th of April. I'm super nervous about it, but I do sometimes make funny tweets about my Klu.so journey. Would love to connect with you on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TakoTreba ❀️
    Richard Gao
    Feel free to follow me here for build in public on my startup evokep-app.com : https://twitter.com/TheRealEtch
    Kwaku Amprako
    Good luck on the launch @charlie_lee1 Here's my twitter, lets connect! https://twitter.com/kwakuamprako
    Christopher Nguyen
    Great to "meet" you Charlie πŸ‘‹ https://twitter.com/uxchrisnguyen
    Rowe Morehouse
    Sales Likelihood Calculator
    Sales Likelihood Calculator
    follow me, I follow back! πŸ‘’ https://twitter.com/rowemore As a Product Dev & Marketer I've sold over $1.7M of my own Info Products. As Sales Exec closed $4.3M+ in Ad Sales Helping B2B Reps, Biz Owners & SaaS Founders to generate more leads, make more website conversions, & effectively SELL on the phone, in video meeting & in person.