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  • Everything Web2 Men Know About Web3 Women

    I will be launching my book soon on PH. It's an homage to the book, Everything Men Know About Women. This is an updated twist in for those in Web3, because after this year, everyone in crypto needs to smile. Here are five reasons why smiling is good for you. 1. Improves Your Mood One of the greatest benefits of smiling is that it has the power to improve your mood. Studies have shown that smiling can help to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improve your overall mental outlook. Smiling releases endorphins, which are hormones that promote good feelings in the body. Additionally, smiling sends signals to the brain that you are feeling happy, which can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Smiling can also help to boost your confidence, as it can make you look and feel more attractive to others. 2. Increases Your Happiness Smiling has been shown to increase happiness in both the people who are doing the smiling and those who are on the receiving end. Studies have shown that when we smile, the neurons in our brain linked to happiness are stimulated, releasing endorphins and other hormones that elevate our mood. A genuine smile can also trigger a similar response in someone else, which can create a sense of connection and create a better atmosphere in any setting. If you’re feeling down or stressed, try smiling. It may just work wonders! 3. Strengthens Your Relationships Smiling is contagious, and when you smile at someone, it often evokes a response of a smile returned. It's a great way to show that you are friendly and approachable and can break the ice in a lot of situations. When someone smiles at you, it can make you feel more comfortable and accepted, and it can help strengthen relationships with friends, family, and even strangers. Smiling can also create a positive atmosphere in the workplace and help create a better work environment. 4. Reduces Your Stress One overlooked benefit of smiling is that it can help reduce stress. Studies have shown that smiling can reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in our bodies, helping us to relax and de-stress. Smiling triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones, which can help us to feel calmer and more relaxed. In addition, smiling has been shown to reduce our heart rate and blood pressure, which can further reduce stress levels. FYI, coloring helps with this too. 5. Boosts Your Immune System Smiling has been proven to have a powerful effect on our immune system. Studies have found that people who smile are able to fight off illnesses more quickly, as well as reduce their risk of getting sick. This is due to the release of endorphins when smiling, which helps to boost the immune system and keep you healthy. Smiling can also reduce stress levels, which helps to further boost the immune system and reduce susceptibility to infection. Smiling is an easy way to enhance your mood and the mood of those around you. With just a few facial muscles, you can create a much more positive outlook on life. So, the next time you’re feeling down or blue about web3 or just life in general, try smiling. It may be just what the DeSo doctor ordered. SMILE. WAGMI https://geni.us/JizGNnC


    Wendy Olson
    Web3's decentralized character, in my opinion, may pave the way for a more varied and open online community, where individuals of different backgrounds and orientations can work together to shape the future of this growing technology. Accepting this new era of the internet, let's collaborate to make it a better place for everyone.