Favorite social media platform

33 replies
What's your favorite social media platform? Personally, I like to use Instagram. For communicating with customers, I think Twitter is the best place to go. Wbu?


Amine Aouragh
Movydick: And The Oscar Goes To...
Movydick: And The Oscar Goes To...
Twitter to have fun & spend a good time with my friends and also share the progress of my work, LinkedIn to expand my network and learn from experts and also have fun and also Reddit when I need feedback and also attract traffic to my app. Reddit is my #1 source of traffic to my app and I still love to experiment in there by posting different post formats: link post, text post, screenshot, video...
Andrew C.
Insta and Twitter
Heleana Grace
Definitely Instagram for me too. I also like to use TikTok to quickly learn about new trends and Discord to communicate with team members and clients.
Tom Garcy
I really like LinkedIn, since you can find the exact fields you want to influence. Instagram is too generic.
Launching soon!
Personally - Instagram, Officially - LinkedIn
Vadim Voronovskiy
For me, it is Solcial.io now. Maybe twitter on the second place to check latest news) And Linkedin on the third place.
Maya A
Instagram before it launched reels
Kemal Karatas
LinkedIn still works well for me. Also, the platform needs to adapt the way technology goes on.
Kaya Lordoğlu
For me LinkedIn
Nazli Celebi
LinkedIn & Twitter mostly and sometimes Instagram for fun
Shubham Pratap Singh
Instagram and LinkedIn
Isaiah Trotter
Linkedin without a DOUBT.
Tanmay Dhote
AI Discovery Dashboard
Launching soon!
Twitter for sure, LinkedIn is increasingly becoming hard to use with a lot of plagiarized and "influencer" content.
Nilan Saha
I love Twitter. I get the old IRC and Internet chat vibe in the tech twitter community.
Steve Hopkins
LinkedIn - as you people are real, both good as a community and for identifying the right people to reach out to
I really think it depends on your client. But I ♥️ Instagram!
Janusz Mirowski
LinkedIn because people there are real :)