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  • Feedback exchange

    Matthew Johnson
    4 replies
    Hey PH - we were looking for some feedback on our new onboarding flow. Would anyone out there have a few minutes to do a Loom play-by-play as they go through sign up and setting up? I'd be very happy to give feedback on what you're working on in exchange!


    Bogomil Shopov - Бого
    Threat Modeling e-book
    Threat Modeling e-book
    I am in!
    Matthew Johnson
    Startup-Investor Fit
    @bogomep great, can you send me an email to arrange? matt[at]taskablehq.com
    Cagri Sarigoz
    I'm in, too! In exchange, I'd like to have your review on our referral program flow :)
    Matthew Johnson
    Startup-Investor Fit
    @cagrisarigoz sweet - can you send me an email to arrange? matt[at]taskablehq.com