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    Shalin Doshi
    2 replies
    Ever come across a time when you need to connect with an individual /organisation but are unable to find one? Spending hours scouting for the right connection through a mutual connection makes it all too jumbled up and vague. We are building The Dashlynk Community on slack for people who want to grow their businesses or get referred to a company. Say for instance you require to contact a production house, post on the #referral-system channel and someone from the group will try and connect you with either said contact or someone at the said organization. The Dashlynk Community will have a much more personalized introduction and can have an exponential effect on your business. We have the MVP app Dashlynk available on the app store and play store you can download and use it for free. While the app is being further developed we are building a free community to help people network more easily and reliably. Join the group now at https://join.slack.com/t/dashlynknetwork/shared_invite/zt-17ouob4d2-EA791clhTrgOpLPGOf2WcQ


    Daniel Engels
    Any Sales person would love such an idea... Whereas any data protection officer would be mad on that. (I guess, this issue is more important in Europe, and especially in Germany)
    Shalin Doshi
    @daniel_engels haha, it's not only for a sales person. But for business as well, and if anyone having the contact of the person can first discuss with the person asking for it and then give out the details.