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  • For solopreneurs, what is the most challenging part of multiple roles?

    7 replies
    If you're creating a side project alone, what is your current hustle? During my time working at a startup, I'm switching hats several times :)


    Benard Ogutu
    It's a real pain trying to handle everything by myself - building the product while also keeping up with business development is a constant struggle.
    @benard_ogutu Yeah, you're right.πŸ₯Ή Especially building an audience, doing engagements, developing MVP, and creating some design works - Everything needs, but I think you're doing great! So, let's keep going!!!! πŸ‘
    HyunGun Jung
    @benard_ogutu Is there a specific tool or strategy that you use for biz dev? Just curious, as a biz dev role for a startup how solopreneurs juggle everything
    Olive Haus
    Punch Time Tracker
    Keeping track of all the tasks. Making sure I don't forget about my day job.
    @olive_haus Totally, I often forget about what I should do next, haha. Btw, you got a badge, Gemologist, and got more points! Yeah~~~πŸ₯³πŸ˜†πŸ‘
    Olive Haus
    Punch Time Tracker
    @joy_eom I don’t understand the points or badges but I will happily work diligently for any and all digital achievements.
    Tanzirul Huda
    The most challenging part of multiple roles for solopreneurs is managing their time and energy effectively. With no team members to delegate tasks to, solopreneurs need to find a way to juggle multiple roles and responsibilities while still maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, since there is no one else to turn to for advice or assistance, solopreneurs must rely solely on their own knowledge and experience to tackle any problems or issues that may arise.