For what purpose do you use AI more in your business?
Ege Perk
27 replies
Andrey Bozhjev@andrey_bozhjev
We are doing a book sharing service and AI helps us generate information about books (quotes, author bio, plot summary, genres). We work in 45 countries, so we use AI to generate texts on country pages.
Biggest use case for us has been coding.
For generating ideas for a copy. For example, banner announcements and important emails.
It helps me have a structure and then I can edit it by myself what makes sense and not
Job Application Answer Generator
Launching soon!
Generate AI insights for the data that we have and surface it to our users. Also automate things that they would rather spend an few hours to do.
Collecting and organizing information.
Mostly though integrations in to other apps.
SQL query generation in supabase
Title and chapter generation in loom.
I probably use ChatGPT once a week or less, usually for something technical like
generating a regex.
Akurateco Payment Orchestration Platform
I like using AI for customer research.
to save my time and more simple work
Be more productivity at work, and spend more time to create something new!
We're an email builder with plenty of ready-to-use HTML templates, so we often use AI to craft email copy (to make sure template look less generic)
In our business at Vstorm, we primarily use AI for various purposes to enhance our services
So that the client does not waste his time with work that is unnecessary for him, he spends time understanding the program, although he can ask the AI
Launching soon!
Building copy frameworks and first drafts
Currently, artificial intelligence, such as GPT, can assist me in tasks at work like translation, information gathering, and even provide new methods and inspiration to improve work efficiency. Similarly, tools like Midjourney can be used to create posters, illustrations, and designs, helping me save costs and enhance work efficiency.
Now is translation.
AppyHigh Prime
The applications of AI in business are diverse (including HR to Support) and continue to expand as the technology evolves. It's worth noting that the specific use of AI in a business depends on the industry, goals, and challenges faced by that organization.
In business: for getting a good starting point for writing exercises & for editing existing text
In our product: a lot... 😂
Wois: World of Inspirational Speakers
saving time in different verticals
To generate ideas :)