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  • FREE: I will roast your landing page

    Landing pages make or break the product. Very low conversion? Makers quit considering there is no product-market fit. The conversion rate can be increased by a few tweaks. And I will share them here: All you have to do is drop a landing page link. I will send a few tips to improve it.


    Upen V
    Zero To Founder
    Zero To Founder
    The conversion rate is decent but let's see https://ZeroToFounder.com
    @upen946 quick tip: Add crisp chat on your landing page. Buyers have pre-sale questions. Once they get answers, they will definitely purchase it. P.S. I got few sales through this method.
    Upen V
    Zero To Founder
    Zero To Founder
    @falak_sher Seriously? I never thought Ebooks would need a chat on landing page. Will see to do this!!
    Johan Steneros
    We just have a get early access waitlist landing page. But please go for it www.bravemark.co
    Few tips: - Set sticky header with CTA button - Add auto-focus to email input field for desktop only. On mobile, I don't recommend unless your headline, taglines are small.
    Romano Pravdic
    Cashews for iOS & Android
    Cashews for iOS & Android
    Let the roast begin! https://cashews.finance/
    @galaxyx7 here are some tips: - make email input field bigger. Atleast equal to the size of CTA. - add auto focus to email input field - instead of showcasing price as yearly $4.66 / month. Say 1 or 2 months free.
    @malin_cornelia "Start Building. It's free". This CTA can be improved with elaborate CTA "Get Started. It's free."
    @alexandromtzg solid product. - Embed Gumroad script so Gumroad product page loads as pop-up - Add live chat for answering pre-sale questions
    Ahmed Saleh
    Falak is an awesome person to do this. I’d love your feedback on our product https://sabil.io
    Khoi Nguyen
    Birthday Piano
    Birthday Piano
    Birthday Piano: https://birthday.khoiuna.info/ | Send a song and birthday wish to your loved ones
    Brenna Donoghue
    morgen.so We launched our homepage yesterday. Any feedback would be amazing!
    Ken Savage
    Thanks Falak. What would you edit to this landing page? https://golaunchclub.com
    Naveen S G
    www.leadmonk.io Open for feedback
    Here's ours. Thanks for the roast πŸ”₯! https://www.dotenv.org
    Scott Kosmach
    A little scared since we just plopped a bare-bones V1 up a few days ago, but we have thick skin. Thanks in advance. Do your worst 😜 https://www.hint.it
    Tetiana Nikolaieva
    Yaware TimeTracker (yaware.com) Thanks!
    Rich Watson
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    NVSTly: Social Investing
    thetradehub.net thanks
    Sven Radavics
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
    Hi Falak, thanks so much for this! Conversion rate is surprisingly decent considering I know it needs work: https://intribe.co Thanks again!