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  • Getting first customers problem

    Volodymyr Demkiv
    11 replies
    Hello. I’m co-founder and CEO of https://www.mydone.xyz. We are building control center web application for small to medium size businesses. We’ve had a chance to talk with quite large amount of business initially to validate our idea. Now as we started building MVP I find it quite challenging to talk to businesses and get feedback on the mock ups which we have already. It looks like we should wait when MVP is up and running, and than start looking for feedback and early adopters. Or are we doing poor job finding companies to talk with?


    Ikenna Paschal
    Honestly, it hard to get feedback on the mock ups except there is something in it for the user. You mentioned you "talk with quite large amount of business initially to validate our idea". I assume you still have the contact of these businesses. The goal now should be to get an MVP ready as soon as possible while you can still engage the businesses you talked to for validation. I believe that is where the first series of feedbacks and customers are.
    Volodymyr Demkiv
    @ikennaobieze The idea was to collect some potential customers before MVP ready so when we lunch we will talk with this users and collect feedback. Building a community is another way but it's taking time, we started couple of blog posts on Medium to attract users to our website and maybe convince them to stay in touch.
    Sreekanth PM
    Don't expect feedbacks unless you have a product.
    Volodymyr Demkiv
    @sreekanth850 I was doing manual handpicking of potential customers through different forum posts. I was able to collect some feedback and few subscribed for early access. With product up and running I hope it would be much easier.
    Sreekanth PM
    @volodymyr_demkiv I think that is a great sign of solid idea. I too had created a landing page and never did anything other than actively engaging in twitter with my bio. got more than 30 signups for early access.
    Bob Mungia
    I don't know why my emails are landing in spam for almost half the clients that I have reached out to
    Volodymyr Demkiv
    @bob_mungia I have not started cold mailing yet. Mostly looking for people on business owner forums and trying to chat with them.
    Hi, Would you mind sharing some stats and how you are going about promoting your product. The number of visitors you get on your site, How are you finding your first users How many days did you take to build the MVP Are you using platforms and communities on Twitter, LinkedIn, IndieHackers, Product Hunt etc. to promote your product? There is no conflict of interest as the product I am building in a documentation application similar to evernote and not in task management like Trello and others
    Volodymyr Demkiv
    @nilova_pande Hey, there's no much data to share. We are still most of the time hands on building MVP. I'm trying to build up some of the presence on different platforms and forums and to get maybe few potential customers so we can talk to them when MVP ready. Most of the interesting data should come after the MVP. Would love to share it then.