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  • Give me your best book recomendation

    Pablo Fatas
    15 replies
    Doesn’t have to be a start up book (you know the usual suspects: blitzscaling, the lean start up….) it can be though. Can be anything that you feel enhanced your life in any way shape or form. Can even be fiction. I think there is a lot of real world insight to get from fiction as well.


    Cem Özçelik
    Outliers - (Malcolm Gladwell) it's very good.
    Pablo Fatas
    @cem_ozcelik Read it in highscool for a class project I had to do. probably a good idea to go back and read it as an adult now :)
    Omer Ersin
    The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg Strongly recommended for the ones who didn't read it yet.
    Pablo Fatas
    @omer_ersin Read this well in uni when i was trying to “revamp” my life a bit and break out of some poor cycles. Amazing book. Definitely the book that changed the way I live the most :)
    Launching soon!
    The Power of Now. It demonstrates that every minute spent worrying about the future or regretting the past is a minute lost since all you have to live in is the present and the now. It provides effective tactics for beginning to live every minute as it unfolds.
    Little Prince. OMG I love it so much!
    Pablo Fatas
    @vycook Love this book. I am french though so I read it in the original. Would be curious to read it in Engish
    Cris Barbs
    The Power of Habit!
    "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian". It is banned in USA so I recommend to download it from here (if you need) https://thenewpiratebay.org/. You are unlikely to find it freely available. It is a very cruel creation. Why do I recommend it to you? Because looking at the creepiness that happens to other people makes you happy. It doesn't mean that you're a bad person or that you like the suffering of those people. It's just the way the brain works. I've experienced it firsthand.
    Sean Song
    by Jared Diamond https://www.amazon.com/Upheaval-... Diamond the other book, I have not finished yet, but looks to be great too. by Ray Dalio https://www.amazon.com/Principle...
    Ivan Vorobyev
    Now in my spare time, I have very often started reading books about personal development and how to run or build your own business. The last book I read was Startup Without a Budget by Mike Mickalowitz. I downloaded it here. The complex concepts from the business world are laid out in simple and clear language with a touch of humor, making the book a real boon for aspiring entrepreneurs and more experienced business people alike.