Going live in a month or two, would love your feedback!

Krishnasis Mandal
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Hi all, I am working on an open-source + self-hosted document query engine. It started off as a personal productivity tool because I wanted to keep track of some documents that I had and help some of my friends who were lawyers. After that, I didn't stop contributing and decided to share it with the world. I want it to be open source and whoever uses it should be in control. I would love to invite you to come check it out and add any features you would like to see πŸ™‚ I kept the project in pre-launch status until I added documentation, tests, and removed any and all bugs, and made it easier to set up. Here's the product page: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/heissdocs Here's the repo link: https://github.com/krishnasism/heissdocs Feel free to ⭐ the repo and follow along the development journey!
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