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  • Have a Tinder for freelance expenses idea, kinda built the MVP already (I know). Who to test with?

    Igor Lanko
    2 replies
    Looking to validate the idea, get it into some real hands. What would be a good place to start? Slowly testing the waters by engaging in conversations in r/freelance, r/bookkeeping, and r/smallbusiness. But just straight up firing a post "Hey, I have this free app for you to try" doesn't feel right yet. I'd appreciate any advice. As a designer/programmer, looking for users is always the toughest part for me.


    Aaron O'Leary
    I'd be happy to test it out! What I'd do is make a quick form that captures maybe just name and email and drop it into the communities you mentioned with a quick preamble like "Hey, I made this free app that helps freelancers manage their expenses, currently testing it out, if you'd like to try it out [link]" The wording might need some work. Product Hunt discussions is also a good way to find early users / beta testers, after all we are all here because we love new products!
    Igor Lanko
    @aaronoleary thanks so much! Maybe you're right, maybe it is as simple as just shooting a link to the form. I do want to start a community around the app of some sort. When we launched Collecta previously, we were getting a lot of isolated feedback, which was useful. But I felt like if this feedback could be read by community we could spark even more ideas when engaged in conversation. I appreciate the offer to test it out, I'd love that! Please check this out.