Hello Twitter users! 🐦

Erica Straub
31 replies
I'm fairly new to Twitter and PH, and I'm already blown away by this incredible PH community and the connections/support I've found. I would love to get to know you all better & stay up to date on your projects. Feel free to share your Twitter handle in the comments if anyone's interested in networking! You can find me here: https://twitter.com/EricaMadly I post mostly metaverse, marketing & video game content.


Maksym Astakhov
Hi Erica! Nice to meet you! I'm writing about the most strange mobile applications. https://twitter.com/cringe_store And my personal account https://twitter.com/maverick_0_0
Erica Straub
Spriteley Voxcells
Spriteley Voxcells
@maksym_astakhov Hi Maksym! Cringe Store is so great! I want to try the pixel razor game πŸ˜† Thank you for sharing!
Erica Straub
Spriteley Voxcells
Spriteley Voxcells
@maxwellcdavis Maxwell, your Twitter is so nice! Love how you styled it. Nice to meet you, glad to make the connection!
Ankur Singh
Hi Erica! Welcome to Product hunt. Followed you on Twitter πŸ™‚ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ankur_maker
Erica Straub
Spriteley Voxcells
Spriteley Voxcells
@singh_ankur Thanks Ankur! Nice to meet you- Uuki has a launch tomorrow? How exciting, I will keep an eye out!
Anastasiia Zvenigorodskaia
Hi! I am new to Twitter community =) Happy to follow new interesting people https://twitter.com/zvenigorodskaia
Daniel Baum
Always love being part of a PH support community! https://twitter.com/realdanbaum
Erica Straub
Spriteley Voxcells
Spriteley Voxcells
@daniel_baum Awesome Daniel, I just followed you and Sleek! Just when I thought shopping online couldn't get any easier! πŸ˜…
Daniel Baum
@ericamadly Thanks Erica! We'll be launching on PH next week so keep an eye out for us, would love to add you as an early user!
Welcome to the community Erica :) great to have here. I am also new to this community. but I've been using Twitter since last year. it's @coderamrin on twitter
Rich Watson
NVSTly: Social Investing
NVSTly: Social Investing
Bernard BadΓ³
AI TikTok Assistant
Hey Twitter users. I might have an exciting product for you soon!
Jernej Samide
nuvo No-Code Data Pipelines
nuvo No-Code Data Pipelines
Same here Erica :) Already followed you.
Hey Erica, nice to have you here! :) I can agree with you, PH seems to be such a nice place to share your thoughts, ideas and experience! πŸ™Œ
Erica Straub
Spriteley Voxcells
Spriteley Voxcells
@karolina3 Thanks Karolina! I couldn't have said it any better myself. I wish I knew about PH sooner, but I guess better late than never πŸ˜†