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  • Honest feedback for your landing page - Post it!

    Tsz Hoi Lee
    80 replies
    Hey all, I'm a designer/co-founder. Always love the PH community. Would love to take this chance to see each other's work and see how could we improve together! Send your link below and let's give some honest feedback (I'll go first!) **If you think my feedback is valuable, please upvote and allow more people have my 2cents!


    Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
    Hi Lee! It's not a Landing Page per se, but I would really appreciate your feedback on our Ship upcoming page: https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Thanks in advance :)
    Archisman Das
    Brew Money | Take control of your crypto
    @lior_galante_cohen I think its a great landing page. Few suggestions 1. For the gif, it might be helpful to show everything sequentially as in show Monica's profile first and then the conversation suggestions. This is primarily because the real estate is so limited 2. Don't have an answer on how to solve it but in the template reading the text in the background image is hard, maybe a different color schema or typography can work
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @lior_galante_cohen Hey Lior! Thanks for replying. 1. It auto shows the bottom of the page which I have to scroll up to see what is it. Should show the top of the page instead 2. A Textual background with black overlay is confusing, user won't know where should they look at in the first glance. A linear flow would be better. Background stays graphic is easier for people to focus on your text. 3. The one-liner uses a lot of vague words which I don't get who is your TA and what Amy "actually" do. Use example or concise keywords. "Get to know who you're gonna meet better" might be an easily understandable scenario. People don't need to know what you do, people need to know what value you brings them. Hope this helps and good luck!!
    Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
    @tszhoi_19 Regarding (3), is this one-liner better in your opinion: "Amy saves you valuable time in meeting preparation and helps you personalize your pitch, by providing you with actionable insights and all the must-know information about people you're meeting with."?
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @lior_galante_cohen How about....? "Amy gives you all the information you need to know about the person you're meeting. Stay well-prepared with yourself and your pitch." btw if you like this, help me by upvoting the discussion and let more people benefits from it!
    Germanas Latvaitis
    Would like some feedback from mine: https://wellb.ee/
    Nik Hazell
    Zappi Ad Predictor
    Zappi Ad Predictor
    @germa Looks awesome! Very clear, very straightforward, good strong CTA and great to use the Slack logo there. I got a slight UI bug (on chrome, laptop) - when I scroll about half way down the header switches to white.
    Archisman Das
    Brew Money | Take control of your crypto
    @germa very neat landing page. I guess one thing that was bit unclear was Engage your crowd. It was not exactly evident what crowd meant.
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    Hey @germa ! Thanks for replying. 1. Overall a very nice landing page. 2. Also great feedback from Archisman about "crowd". Business owner/ don't seek their teammates as crowd I would say. 3. The key visual can be improved. Right now only the "survey" component makes senses to me. "Thank you" message doesn't explain a lot in this scenario. The circle graph is almost meaningless unless I scroll down to the data part. 4. Last one, quite personal from me but I would avoid using #000000 Black with other colourful graphic you are using. Try a bit light in black or pick another key colour for CTA button which could bend it nicely with yellow background. (notice your H1 colour is different from H2 tho haha) Thanks for letting me comment on it! Good work!!
    Misha Krunic
    Great discussion, Lee! Check out https://botmenot.com/ - I'm always looking for some feedback!
    Archisman Das
    Brew Money | Take control of your crypto
    @price2spy Looking forward to the tool. I think one thing you can do differently is maybe highlight the benefits of bot protection on the top fold itself. Ofcourse you don't need that if most of the audience who land on your page are already well aware of it in which the focus can be on how your tool is the best out there
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @price2spy you might need a more fancy design if you try to sell to small startup or B2C user. (Proper revamp needed) But if it works for B2B then it is not the first thing you need to do for the project!
    Misha Krunic
    @tszhoi_19 Thanks for the feedback! Actually got a couple of interesting changes in the works currently!
    Amin Mossadek
    Please go visit www.coinanalytics.io your feedback would be much appreciated
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @akiracloud Love the tagline and animations. High-res image will be better in showing off your product. Love the interaction graph display as well!!
    I created this Landing page via elementor in a few hours. Would love some solid feedback! :) https://idreamcareer.com/psychom...
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    Heyyyyyyy @shruti_vrm 1. If you are targeting students, be bold and straightforward is the best way. Slogan like "We help you plan your career" could works better than "empowering", "transforming". Use words that people speak everyday. 2. Graphic style + colour doesn't matched between different parts. 3. Duplication of points: knowing personality pretty = understand myself better. A bit too wordy too. 4. Some buttons/graphic slide in animations are too extra. CTA should be bigger and use a high contrast colour (white on light blue doesn't work). 5. Sometimes put a bit of demo, or question to get people engage esp it is a test. Pop up the first question and let people click on it instead of reading the whole thing. Action > info. Hope this helps! All the best to the project.
    @tszhoi_19 This is amazing! All of these feedbacks are darn actionable! Thankyou so much for taking out time to review it. Once worked, I'll definitely share the LP with you again!!
    Michael Silber
    We updated our landing page for this very occasion ;-) https://www.producthunt.com/
    Nishith from True Sparrow
    Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
    @product_at_producthunt ❤️ the rotating catch phrases. Is the next 🦄 here?
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @product_at_producthunt Oh god, I didn't expect this and I wouldn't dare to put comment on the Mighty PH. But there're some minor stuff I did notice. 1. The blue filter "featured" button is too eye-catchy (the only blue on the page and its sharp blue) Off-focus to user from project. 2. Love the borderless design, trendy and clean. I would make the upvote button pop when hover (colour change) instead of an orange overlay to encourage higher conversation on CTA:upvote. 3. The hidden open a new tab button next to project name is not quite intuitive. It feels like a share button turns out just open on new tab. A tool tip when over might works more seamlessly in this case. 4. Removed the ranking on the outside, also removing the competitive vibe among project. Good initiative but people might be quite sad if they're outside of 5th anw. 5. Rainbow colour skeleton loading, just lovely isn't it? Those are my little 2cents that doesn't even deserved. PH has been a great place for startup and builders! Thanks a lot for this!
    Nik Hazell
    Zappi Ad Predictor
    Zappi Ad Predictor
    We revamped our landing page after a PH launch - would love some feedback! https://www.zappi.io/app/digital...
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @nik_hazell Hey! Thanks for replying. Overall a very decent landing page. Great display of video demo. Nice use of colour and contrast. Few points I would love to add on: 1. The Tagline is a bit plain, doesn't make a "Aha-ha" moment for user. Instead explain what are you in phase, you could try with what value you bringing to user or the actual use case. Such as "Test out your Ad video", "Predict how your ad will perform". Users are not investors, they don't get buzz word like AI-powered. 2. First sentence about "coming the first time" basically not useful for first time comer. It works for big brand when they have deep branding and community. Simply saying How it works (second sentence) is perfect. Less is more. 3. Overall quite wordy is some part. Used thin font to avoid the heaviness but still I skipped some parts because it is just too long. Hope this help! All the best.
    Mavlonbek Muratov
    Hello Lee Tsz Hoi. Thanks for doing this. researchai.co
    Archisman Das
    Brew Money | Take control of your crypto
    Hey Lee, Great initiative. While we are redoing our Home Page, would love to know the community's thoughts on Brew https://brew.money
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @archisman_das 1. Love the tagline works well with the visual 2. I think fin-tech product can't be too design/ trendy. A great barrier of product like this is trustworthy. Try to take reference of bank might be better way to go than take reference from other B2C app. (pictures works well I think) Hope it helps! All the best.
    Hello @tszhoi_19! This is the reason for every community's growth. I really appreciate your generous offer. Here is the link for our website: https://curatora.io Let me see it from a designer's eyes.
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @imtiyaz922 Very lovely website, I think I visited last week. 1. First flow is amazing. Tagline, White space, font size, CTA all decent. 2. Showing the demo/explain video front and forward in the second flow instead of a button might be a more user friendly way to understand your product. 3. The auto-scroll to display on "Discover/Curate/Publish" doesn't work tho, a hover to see different graphic might be a better alternative. 4. Explain content creation is a bit wordy and not that useful. Your TA should know what is content creation or else they are in the wrong place (not your user) 5. Some of the graphic is too colourful and not matching the clean design you're using. Mono colour might be better option. Hope this helps!! All the best to your launch!!
    Mayank Mishra
    Would love to hear what folks think about this? browny points for honest feedback and how we can improve! https://www.poppins.me/
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    Hey @mishra_mayank, thanks for replying. 1. Love the poppins idea, great use case. 2. Everything on the landing page is too big because it is not a responsive web(?), feel too overwhelming with all the big font and component. EVERYTHINGISTOOPACKEDLIKETHIS 3. Overall need to improve on information hierarchy and make better decision on layout, fontsize, fontweight. Learn how to use white space like @imtiyaz922 's https://curatora.io! Great work on the product for real, easy to understand, (Sad, Im a non-TA tho not using Slack anymore) Good luck!!!
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @jdgusz Heyy, thanks for replying! 1. Perfect copywriting, but lack of a key visual in the first flow. Adding product demo or picture of people using the product would make a decent first glance for user. 2. Gradient colour on button is a bit extra. A normal use of high contrast colour is fine. Less is more. 3. Personal opinion but I feel like the purple colour can finetune a bit. Now a bit too saturated and too bright.
    Carsten Pleiser
    Great initiative @tszhoi_19 - let me know what your thoughts are on https://paperless.io
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @ckpleiser Hey buddy your website is a winner. Everything is absolute class. One very minor opinion is placing the demo video as a popup instead of move to another tap might be better to keep ur users' feet on the same fantastic landing page. But anyhow, a 💯 landing. I don't need your product, but I fall in love with it already!
    Carsten Pleiser
    @tszhoi_19 Thanks for your kind words, mate! I'll follow your advice and will implement the pop up for the video to keep people on the same page.
    Madeline Russell
    Hi Lee! Hope you are doing great :) Here is my company's landing page: https://www.eleken.co/saas-web-d... Thanks!
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @madeline_russell Very decent work and polish design on the landing (ofcuz it is your business haha) Those animated slide in are fine to perfect. But one comment is about the size when it is on laptop full window, It will hide the CTA in the first flow. However when the window width is smaller(ard 800px I guess), the overall sizing is better. Also the go to UXUI project button in the bottom of the landing doesn't work
    Joanna Kurylo
    We have a ship landing page as well! Would love your feedback. https://www.producthunt.com/upco... Thank you! 🙏
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @joannakurylo your own landing is better than the ship one!! Nice use of colour. But the 1, 2, 3 steps order is wrong when it's in two columns. Put the CTA centre also helps conversion!
    Joanna Kurylo
    @tszhoi_19 Thank you for your feedback!! Do you think there's any added benefit to having a ship landing page and a main landing page? or should I just stick with mine that I originally built (BTW I built mine using Typedream )
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @joannakurylo I think having your main one is more than enough! Stick with one avoid confusion and better for you to track data.
    Jaskiran Kaur
    I would love to know your feedback. It's my company's website. https://www.cerebruminfotech.com/ We are a Software Product Development Company and have experience in developing Apps like on-demand delivery app, on-demand home-service app, etc.
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @jaskiran_kaur It is too packed with too many things to look at a glance. You would like people to focus on one point and read with a flow!
    Tom Martchek
    Awesome thread, thank you! Any feedback on my landing page for WellPaid? https://www.getwellpaid.com/
    Ryan Tando - Dezbor.com
    Launching soon!
    Hi Lee, This is my landing page https://duply.co would love some feedback Thanks
    Ivan Manchev
    Hey Lee, Please roast us: https://www.ambire.com/. But mind this backstory. Our designer left us like 2-3 weeks before launching this landing page, so we had to do all "design" ourselves and it was a total improvisation. Curious what you'll say though :)
    Tsz Hoi Lee
    @imanchev Actually not bad for this given context. Great layout and information architecture. 1. Could improve on font use (fontweight + size) (some too big some too small) 2. It is a bit too wordy 3. I'm not entirely familiar with crypto wallet so I found some wordings hard to understand. (See if you could try to talk like talking to a 5yr old) Good luck!!
    Martina Hackbartt
    Hi Lee! This is a great initiative, thank you! This is our landing page: https://www.reskript.com/ We would really appreciate your thoughts on it :)