How can I target potential interested people on PH?

Edoardo Bevilacqua
7 replies
I’m about to launch an AI-based product, how can I reach out user that could be interested in using the application? The product is for a specific niche of the market, it there a way to target them?


Fabian Maume
You can look at the product in AI topic: It is possible to extract a list of upvoter for any product by using product hunt API. You can then try to connect with those people on Linkedin or Twitter
Qudsia Ali
-Share some insights related to your work. -Take part in the discussion relevant to your product. -Look for the founders of similar products and see who has shown interest in those products. I would like to learn about your product. Feel free to share what you are working on.
Afan Sheikh
Start discussions related to your product and engage with the people commenting on it. Then you can reach out to people's LinkedIn or Twitter who show interest in your product.
Oscar Wehbe
Thisapp: Your Calendars Future.
Thisapp: Your Calendars Future.
Look for similar products who have launched on PH and check the profiles who commented on them. If they have Twitter/LI profile links just DM them.
Murali Gottumukkala
Generate the curiosity by starting discussions on the relevant topic and respond to all their queries.
Rhea Reanoga
Share insights regarding your product and reach out to those you commented. Feel free to reach me on LinkedIn to help you further on this! rhea-mae-reanoga-908292137/
Giovanni Ghigliotti
Being a part of ongoing discussions and starting a new one would really help. Try to connect with makers of the latest launches. #buildtogether