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  • How can one build an audience on Product Hunt?

    Shushant Lakhyani
    15 replies


    Engage with community. Answer discussions, provide value to the community, start your own discussion, support and review products :)
    Shushant Lakhyani
    @sandradjajic So among engaging with the community and reviewing products, what has worked the best for you?
    Building an audience on Product Hunt can be a powerful way to gain visibility for your product and attract potential users and customers. Here are some tips to help you get started: 1. Be active on the platform: Consistently engage with the community by upvoting and commenting on other products, and sharing your own product updates and insights. 2. Leverage your network: Reach out to your existing network of friends, colleagues, and followers on social media to encourage them to support your product on Product Hunt. 3. Engage with influencers: Identify influencers in your industry or niche and reach out to them to see if they would be willing to share your product with their followers. 4. Participate in Product Hunt events: Take advantage of Product Hunt's various events and challenges to showcase your product and connect with other like-minded individuals. Remember, building an audience takes time and effort, so stay committed and consistent in your efforts, and most importantly, stay authentic and genuine in your interactions with the community. Good luck!
    Shushant Lakhyani
    @moon10 Out of the 4 points you've mentioned, which one works the best for you?
    @shushant_lakhyani I think 1 and 2 works for me.. But after some days later I will launch my product , in that case I will following 3 and 4 no. points
    Emeka Onu
    @moon10 I got exactly these 4 points when I typed the question on ChatGPT.
    Samar Ali
    Launching soon!
    To build an audience on Product Hunt, engage with the community by upvoting, commenting, and following other makers, and submit your product at the right time to maximize visibility.
    Eric Beans
    You’re doing it right now. Open discussions and start engaging. It’s not instant. Good luck!
    Richard Gao
    Just be consistent and engage with the community every day. See my account as an example
    Charlie Kor
    I agree with all the comments here, but let's prioritize consistency first.
    Maya A
    commenting and participating in discussions, and supporting people's products. Also, testing out products and giving feedback to makers.
    David Cagigas
    Engaging with the community can be the best way to build an audience.