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  • How can you prevent losing the PH strike? 🔥 Tips given

    We all know how it hurts when you lose your lovely streak. In one of my posts, I asked what are the most common reasons for losing your strike. 🔥 So I thought of how you could avoid it. 4 things that came to my mind: 🔔 Set reminders 💻 Have an open tab with PH in your browser (on your sight, on your mind) 🛜 Try to avoid travelling to places where there is no wi-fi or even signal (I used to travel to such places within my country a few years back deep into the forest) – but that was a different stage of my life 😀 📱 Try to log in at least 2 times per day. You can also have (I call it “time zone strategy”) – opening the PH during the most popular timezones (someone's random article about timezones: https://strawpoll.com/most-popular-time-zone ) Do you have any other recommendations that could help?


    Nicola Lanzilotto
    My strategy is to always have a tab open with PH. Before the working day starts I refresh the page to see the new launches. I do the same during my lunch break and after I finish work. For weekdays I have no problems because they are like working days (lighter though because I manage what and how much to do). I don't yet know what strategy I will adopt during my days off (I only have 240 consecutive days), however I can't remember a day that I didn't open the PC.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @nicola_lanzilotto It is like creating a habit. But honestly, when I had a rush day, I almost forgot. It was when I travelled. So I decided to setup notifications.
    Nicola Lanzilotto
    To make sure I don't losing my PH strike I will definitely follow your advice.Thanks 😉
    Rick Fan
    Sider for iOS 2.0
    I also lost my 120+ streak on my trip...
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @rick_fan what was the trip? :D
    Savia Salaria
    Thanks for the tips, Nika. I am very bad at maintaining the PH streak 😂. Someone suggested using the PH mobile app to maintain streaks.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @savia_salaria I do not use the app at all :D That's why I am a total idiot when I enter it once a year :DD do not know what is where :D
    Solid advice! Another tip is to log in at the same time ever day so it becomes a habit.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @michael_baumgartner Creating habit! 💯 That's the point we want to achieve. Then it is hard to break it.
    Mingjie Liu
    These tips are so useful! As I just joined PH, this definitely helps me a lot on keeping PH strike, thanks a lot!
    Slack notifications work best for me. Also acting there itself. I dont clear the Slack notification if i havent upvoted so it stays on my phone
    Andreas Sohns
    Fantastic tips! Thanks for sharing
    Alex AI
    Great tips as usual! But: @busmark_w_nika what did you do on November 22, 2022? What was the reason to not be on Product Hunt and lose your streak? :lol:
    Dan O'Malley
    Good advice!
    Tymek Zapała
    For me email notifications about new discussion helps. These are a hook for me because there is a lot of really interesting topics, so it's sort of magnet for me to open the product hunt :D
    I find the app to be the most effective, it's much easier for me compared to the desktop. I just casually browse it once/twice a day while travelling/some other daily routine activity and it's almost a habit now.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @kshitij11 It depends on the "device consumption". Many people are "mobile only". I am a bit exception cause 95% of my time I am on desktop (easier and faster for writing) :D
    @busmark_w_nika that's true too. For me, I usually use my laptop for work so risk losing the streak of weekends without my phone haha
    My3 Murthy
    I have a calendar reminder & I have PH on my phone- the app is clunky & doesn't allow me to upvote but it works fine for the most part
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @my3_murthy I thought that only my app was a little bit off but it seems that is a general problem. :D
    My3 Murthy
    @busmark_w_nika Yeah- its weird- sometimes it doesn't let me comment, but if I close the app & reopen, it works fine! lol
    Narcis Mirandes
    Why do you all care so much? Why do you think the PH strike if for?
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @narcismirandes I think that it is a mixture of the competitive nature of a human being + addiction. :D we are weak :DDD
    Shadman Nazim
    @busmark_w_nika Great tips, Nika! 🔥 I’ve found that setting reminders and keeping a PH tab open are lifesavers. I think I might lose my streak once I am going on a tour, because I love staying out of the network and in case I am severely sick. If I am okay to operate, then I think I will try to keep the streak going. I look forward to building a great streak with this community and also building amazing connections. 🔥
    setting a reminder is what I do too, but I find it too distracting to have PH tabs open. I found myself peeking in every hour when I first joined here and had some tabs open.
    Sarah Mooney
    It's the saddest thing ever when you lose your streak. I got to 22 days, was too busy travelling to login and lost it. :( What really helps me is having the PH app on my phone. And having a reminder on my phone.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @sarahthemarketer are you about to start again with your streaks? :)
    Maryna Kotenko
    I have a habit "Check PH" in my Habitify app :)
    Tim Liao
    1.Just put on my to-do-list at the first. 2.Make it a habit to wake up every day and look at the number one posting first!
    Fork.ai Extension
    Fork.ai Extension
    Need more upvotes!