How did you spend most of your time on launch day? πŸš€

Gavin Hammar
4 replies
StoryPrompt is going live on Product Hunt today and I'm curious how you spent most of your time after you launched. We're planning to spend a lot of time in DMs: πŸ‘‰ Asking customers for support πŸ‘‰ Engaging our community πŸ‘‰ Talking about our launch in online communities What else should we be doing?


Rusty Williams
To be honest, we bungled our PH launch. We didn't pre-promote or prime our customers to visit on help us. You guys have already handled the StoryPrompt better with emails, posts on LinkedIn, and a growing discussion here. Your instincts for getting people to interact seem to be working and I'm sure will build interest. So, in a more succinct answer: all of the bullet points that you listed.
Harsh Siriah
AppLogger by PLG Works
Your approach is great and it should definitely lead to a great launch! We had followed similar practices and achieved 3 launches in top 5.
Nilan Saha
I launched my product last week and most of the time I was engaging with users, noting their feedback and sharing the launch progress on Twitter.
Pandora Ballard
engaging with community to get myself known with other members