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  • How do I report people who tried to sell me upvotes before our launch?

    Jernej Dvoršak
    2 replies
    Last week we launched, and we managed to be named Product of the Day. In a clean way. Unfortunately, during our campaign, while engaging in discussions and making our Face editing app visible, I was approached by individuals trying to sell me upvotes. I felt very sad because I know that the majority of our community invests heart and soul into their projects, and then there are people trying to make money out of it. I am aware that Product Hunt has tools to fight against this, but I would still like to help them by reporting these people. Thanks and keep it clean!


    Aaron O'Leary
    Hey Jernej! We have both automated and manual systems that work very hard to make sure inauthentic upvotes don't affect the rankings. If you'd like, you can drop a report into our Intercom support section. We can't do much about people approaching others outside of Product Hunt, but we can combat it on platform