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  • How do you balance multiple roles as a cofounder?

    Busra Ozgumus
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    As a founder of a startup, I am constantly juggling multiple roles to keep the company moving forward. While I am grateful for the opportunity to wear many hats, the truth is that it can be incredibly challenging to balance everything on my plate. As the product manager, I am responsible for making sure that our mobile app meets the needs of our users and stays ahead of the competition. This means spending countless hours researching the market, analyzing user feedback, and collaborating with the development team to ensure that our product is the best it can be. In addition to product management, I also take on the role of content writer. This means creating engaging blog posts, social media updates, and other marketing materials that help to promote our app and reach new users. While I love the creative aspect of this role, it can be tough to find the time to write when I'm also focused on product development and financial planning. Speaking of financial planning, I am also responsible for keeping our startup financially healthy. This means creating and managing budgets, tracking expenses, and forecasting revenue. It's a crucial part of the job, but it can also be stressful, especially when we hit unexpected roadblocks or face cash flow issues. And then there's human resources - as a founder, I am also responsible for hiring and managing the team that keeps our startup running. This means everything from posting job listings and conducting interviews to managing employee benefits and ensuring that everyone is happy and productive. With so many roles to juggle, it can be difficult to find the time and energy to do everything well. I often feel like I'm pulled in multiple directions, and it can be tough to prioritize tasks and stay focused on what's most important. But despite the challenges, I am proud of what our startup has accomplished so far, and I'm committed to doing whatever it takes to help us succeed in the long run.
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