How Do You Create Discussions on PH? 🤔
Hamza Afzal Butt
23 replies
Do you focus on trending topics, pose thought-provoking questions, or share personal experiences?
Business Marketing with Nika
minimalist phone: creating folders
It is a mixture of all :)
Launching soon!
@busmark_w_nika so have set your weekly discussions or just daily posting?
minimalist phone: creating folders
@hamza_afzal_butt Daily posting (sometimes intuitive) – mostly these.
Weekly discussions – what do you mean? Like preparing content?
It depends. Sometimes you need to gather some info, other times something just comes to mind.
I believe a mix of all approaches works best.
I think I can choose more than one.😅
Personal experiences make my posts more relatable and engaging.
Thought provoking questions tend to get the most responses in my experience.
General topics can work for me too, as long as they're broad enough to involve everyone.
I like blending trending topics and questions. It keeps the conservation alive.
Personal experiences are my favorite.
Sharing personal experiences makes me feel more authentic and gets people to open up.
Trending topics work well for me they grab attention quickly.
I ask myself what kind of advice would have helped me a year ago, then frame a discussion around that. It’s personal but universally relevant.
Starting a discussion by sharing a small struggle or win in my journey often sparks relatable and authentic responses from others.
I mix trending topics with thought-provoking questions for a balanced discussion.
Thought-provoking questions are my go-to.
Trending topics grab attention, but I try to add my unique perspective to them.
Sharing personal experiences alwasy gets people engaged and opens up meaningful discussions.
I've found that sharing the lessons I've learnt while developing my product consistently receives positive feedback. People enjoy hearing about actual experiences.