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  • How do you manage the balance between staying active on Product Hunt and other responsibility

    Neeraj Negi
    26 replies
    I've noticed many founders and marketers on Product Hunt manage to stay consistently active while also handling their primary responsibilities, whether it's running a business, developing a product, or managing a team. This seems like a real juggling act, and I'm curious about the strategies you use to maintain this balance. Here are a few specific questions to get the discussion rolling: Time Management: How do you allocate time specifically for Product Hunt activities without letting it interfere with your main work? Prioritization: When you have a lot on your plate, how do you prioritize between engaging on Product Hunt and other tasks? Productivity Tools: Are there any tools or techniques that you rely on to help manage your time effectively? Engagement Strategies: How do you keep your engagement authentic and meaningful on Product Hunt, even with limited time? Looking forward to hearing your tips and experiences!


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    Here are some answers: 👀 https://www.producthunt.com/disc...
    Salar Davari
    It's a bit challenging. I usually stick to my schedule and check PH several times a day. But sometimes I'm too busy to do that.
    Nathan Covey
    Schedule out times to come on here and engage.
    Pablo Ani
    I set specific times each day for Product Hunt and use Trello to manage tasks and reminders.
    Simon Paul
    My focus on high priority interactions and use RescueTime to track and manage my productivity.
    Morgan Harriss
    Block out calendar time for Product Hunt and use Asana to keep my tasks organized and efficient.
    Neeraj Negi
    @morgan__harris nice is asana efficent ?
    Maximo Hartliness
    Balancing Product Hunt with other responsibilities means setting clear priorities. I schedule Product Hunt activities during my downtime to ensure it doesn’t clash with my main work.
    Neeraj Negi
    @maximo_hartliness Totaly agree on this !!! How much time do you give ?
    megan scott
    I find that using a calendar to set aside dedicated times for Product Hunt helps keep me organized.
    Sutton Willow
    When I’m juggling multiple tasks, I prioritize based on deadlines and impact. I engage on Product Hunt during breaks or low-intensity work periods, making sure it doesn’t disrupt my primary responsibilities.
    Neeraj Negi
    @sutton_willow This is nice but any average you have per day or week ?
    Candy Portuondo
    My system of ranking projects is based on their impact and deadlines. Events on Product Hunt may be temporarily paused in the event of a large meeting or product launch. To help me stay efficient and focused, I also clearly define my objectives for the engagement.
    Isabel Hely
    To keep my engagement authentic, I focus on quality over quantity. I set aside time to genuinely interact with others and provide valuable feedback. I also make sure to align my interactions with my overall goals and interests, so it feels less like a chore and more like a part of my routine.
    Alexander James Miller
    It's all about prioritizing and setting aside dedicated time for the things that matter most. For me, I block off an hour each morning to engage on PH, share updates, and connect with the community here. The rest of my day is for deep work on the product itself and other bizdev responsibilities. Having that consistent PH time is key though - it keeps me plugged in to all the awesome discussions and innovations happening in the startup world! Discipline with your calendar is essential.
    Dominic Heath Remington
    It's definitely a challenge! I try to block off dedicated time each day for engaging on PH, separate from my other work. Having those focused time blocks helps me stay active in the community while not neglecting other responsibilities. Also setting realistic expectations about how much I can engage helps prevent PH from becoming too much of a distraction. Would love to hear how others handle this balancing act!
    Ashley Garcia
    It's all about prioritization and time-boxing for me. I set aside dedicated time blocks each day to engage on Product Hunt, while ensuring I don't neglect my other responsibilities. Leveraging productivity tools like Todoist helps me stay organized and on track. The key is being intentional with your time and not letting PH become a black hole of distraction (easier said than done, I know!). Would love to hear how others strike that balance effectively.