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  • How do you tackle lead generation?

    Jake Harrison
    6 replies
    Hey Product Hunters! We're in the midst of developing Leads AI, an innovative tool designed to revolutionize the way businesses acquire leads. But before we go any further, we need your wisdom! Lead generation is the lifeblood of sales and marketing, yet it's often a grind. We're curious: 1. What are your biggest challenges when it comes to finding quality leads? 2. How much time do you spend qualifying leads? 3. What tools or methods do you currently use, and what do you wish they could do better? 4. Your insights will be instrumental in shaping Leads AI to be a tool that truly understands and addresses your needs. 🌟 About Leads AI: Imagine describing your perfect lead and getting a curated list of 50 prospects that match your criteria in minutes. That's the future we're building with Leads AI – no more sifting through databases, no more guesswork, just results. πŸ™Œ How You Can Help: Share your lead generation experiences, pains, and wish lists with us. Your feedback is invaluable! 🎁 A Token of Appreciation: As a thank you, we're offering an exclusive early access to Leads AI with 50 free high-quality leads to those who provide the most insightful feedback. Drop your thoughts below Looking forward to your responses!


    Sophia Williams
    I need more quality leads and easy to reach!
    Huudle AI Project Assistant
    We heard a tool like Lemlist, try to reach out to our target people with customized emails to arrange meetings with them. Jake, I would be happy to examine your product if you can send me the link.
    Tenley Gray
    Lead generation staps Analyze and plan. Research. Create your message. Promote content to pre-target leads. Create landing pages. Send emails and make phone calls. Score leads and pass along to sales. Evaluate results and create reports.
    Connor Glass
    1) Biggest challenges - I struggle a bit when I'm using lead gen platforms and I filter by industries. Often the industries are to broad (e.g Software companies should be broken into sub industries like analytics, security, marketing software. Another is finding correct BUSINESS lines. 2) Before a call or email probably about 5 minutes. I look at the site and the prospects Linkedin. During a first call I would spend another 5 minutes to confirm what I believe their pain points are. 3)Tools - Cognism and Lusha. Cognism is best for generating lead list as they are one of the biggest data companies in the Europe and Lusha is great for supplementing missing contact info.
    Check out getorba.com for capturing and converting leads once they land on your page