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  • How easy it is to create a roadmap for yourself or your project.

    5 replies
    Imagine you are a quadcopter with a camera. You take off. For the first few minutes your view is limited, but as you climb higher, you see the whole picture from above. Now you know where you are and where you want to come, what obstacles are in your way, you see the resources you can use and the tools you need. All you have to do is plan the actions you need to take on your way from point A to point B. Write down all the points and follow your roadmap.


    Using pen and paper to write down your goals has some magic effect, works way better than your notes app
    Hey Mashelenn, set a end goal then based on that i would keep integrating features that keep scaling the end goal šŸ˜…
    @istiakahmad You know, there are main roads and there are roads that are hidden, but a lot of people take them. Because it's a shortcut. You need to find that road. And there are roads like that in every neighborhood. Once you find this pattern, you can scale it. Good luck in building your šŸ¦„
    @mashelenn mashelenn i would say doesnt matter what road you choose, if you are capable enough then you can reach the destination out of it. Most of us are unfit which led us struggle in the main highway and in shortcuts ( Shortcuts are genetically dangerous in my opinion ). I wont judge which is the best way because people have achieved success using both ways in human history but the main key thing is to, make ourselves capable enough first then choosing a path would not be a problem. But i believe most people fell in a dilemma of choosing the path first! i hope this make sense to you as well. and thank you so much, still long way to go.. šŸ‘Š
    Pavel Kukhnavets
    Creating a project roadmap using an online Gantt chart can be quite straightforward and beneficial. I prefer this kind of chart as it helps visually represent the timeline and duration of different tasks in a project. This allows for better planning and tracking of project milestones and deadlines. Online Gantt chart tools often come with features such as drag-and-drop editing, task dependencies, and team collaboration options, which simplify the process of adjusting plans as projects evolve and ensure everyone on the team is aligned with the project goals and timelines. You may suppose some differences in the pair roadmap vs Gantt chart https://blog.ganttpro.com/en/gan.... However, both tools look great if you use them for visualizing and controlling your project.