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  • How has technology changed the way you approach storytelling?

    Amanda Roberts
    9 replies
    And, what new opportunities or challenges has it presented?


    Autumn Perry
    technology has allowed for more data-driven storytelling, with analytics tools and algorithms providing insights into audience engagement and behavior. All in all, technology has enabled storytellers to be more innovative, efficient, and effective in their craft.
    Amanda Roberts
    @aautumnperry_ Right! Technology has changed storytelling by giving us new tools and insights, making us more innovative and efficient. However, it also presents challenges in keeping up with the fast pace of technology. Exciting times for storytelling!
    Jack Davies
    Using multimedia, augmented reality, and virtual reality, technology has made storytelling more engaging and immersive. In today's information-heavy world, it can be difficult to grab people's attention and hold it.
    Amanda Roberts
    @jackkdavies26 Totally! Tech has totally transformed storytelling, making it more immersive and engaging than ever before. But with new tools like AR and VR, it's also raised questions about how we structure our stories and engage with our audiences. What opportunities and challenges do you see for storytellers in this new era of technology?
    Valorie Jones
    Conversa - Videos That Talk back
    Conversa - Videos That Talk back
    I agree with everyone who has said that technology (particularly online streaming) has made distribution a lot easier, but that doesn't mean that the best stories always filter to the top. Search and ranking algorithms have become critical to building your audience. It has also increased the movement away from long-form video to short bite-size stories. For content creation, I see generative AI as being revolutionary as to how we draft outlines, drafts, and general inspiration. Ultimately, the best content will still need a human who can verify information and provide authentic deeper insights. Humans will be able to move faster as the AI fills in the missing gaps and formatting.
    Amanda Roberts
    @val_jones What's your take on AI in storytelling? Do you think it will become more prevalent in the future, or will human creativity always be the most important factor?
    Valorie Jones
    Conversa - Videos That Talk back
    Conversa - Videos That Talk back
    @amandar43852062 To tell a good story, you need build tension and provide a narrative arc. That requires a good balance between short-term and long-term memory, maintaining local consistency while following the longer journey. The multi-head attention models in transformer networks models are much better at tracking features over longer texts but I think the tech still has a way to go. I see AI as a story-enhancer that will help humans tell better stories, by providing feedback and training people to be better storytellers. AI is a creativity enhancer - not a creativity replacement. At StoryFile, we use AI throughout the pipeline to provide questions that guide the user through the storytelling process - but ultimately these are human stories that we are recording.