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  • How important is storytelling?

    Luka Brzin
    21 replies
    People often forget that storytelling is a skill thaty you learn and is not something you are born with. I mean sure, some people are more extraverted than other but that doesn't mean they're great storytellers. The point is, anyone can become a great storyteller. you just need to practice :) Here is some of my advice: 1. write down your stories 2. try to make people emotionaly invested (build suspense, create empathy, make them laugh) 3. use names in your stories 4. make it simple, don't overexplain 5. understand your audience, don't say anything controversial unless you have to 6. be prepared but not too pepared 7. start at the beginning, finish at the end 8. don't tell people what the moral of the story is (they're smart, they will figure it out themsleves) 9. practice I hope you like the advice and I would love to hear your thoughts on this.


    Super - convinced after reading the book Sapiens. What are your tips on story structure Luka?
    Luka Brzin
    @yukioyama Would you recommend the book? The structure is super important. Wthour structure you are just saying "stuff" that has no beginning or end.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    I think that storytelling is a crucial part. Because a good story sells. And what is the best way how to create a good story? OK, I will tell you... to watch the TOP movies. 😁 Some can be good when you also start "in medias res" but do not forget to have a retrospective to make things clear to customers (Forrest Gump eg) :)
    Luka Brzin
    @busmark_w_nika Thank o+you for the contribution Nika! I would also say that reading books is a good way to learn how to storytell.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @luka_brzin yes, everything to stories can help. I used to read a lot, now I am more in video so that's why I started with it :D
    Trey Winterbourne
    Great tips Luka, I need to get practicing! :)
    Neel Patel
    Some great points here!
    Storytelling is crucial as it transforms abstract concepts into relatable, memorable experiences. It's the bridge that connects creators with their audience, turning ideas into emotions and actions.
    Salar Davari
    Nice tips Luka. I've got to share this with my content team. Thank you!!
    Nataliya Trotsenko
    Love the breakdown! Storytelling is like a superpower you can totally learn. Who needs fancy words when you can hook people with emotions and keep it real? Practicing is key, so high five for all those tips!
    Launching soon!
    Great tips shared about storytelling.
    Joseph J. Sherman
    Storytelling is incredibly important as it helps to convey messages in a compelling and memorable way. It creates a connection with the audience, making information more relatable and easier to understand. Stories have the power to inspire, educate, and even drive action, making them a crucial tool in communication and engagement across various fields and industries.https://yojanaworld.in/savitriba...