How long until we get ChatGPT into our voice assistants?
Ignacio Velasquez
7 replies
This should be a matter of time. Does anybody have some insight on this?
Nik McFly@nikmcfly
There is a Promptheus app for that already.
yeah that would be awesome, much better than Siri, that's for sure
Twinr - App Builder
sooner the better
Give me 10 min and I make it :D voic2text -> chatGPT api -> text2voice :D
ChatGPT is in a fast development phase, and I am confident we will see this feature very soon.
You can already kind of do this.
There exists GPT-3 already, and there is an API for it.
If you connect it to a speech recognition program or AI (there are plenty of open source ones) and send to the GPT-3 API, and then have a text to speech program (also AI lol) give an answer, then you have a product already.
May need to do some prompt tuning so you get "chatlike" answers rather than a wall of text though.
Well, with rapidly evolving speech and sound recognition technology, not long. There are a few tiny details to figure out here, but overall, AI is already really comfortable with audio processing, analyzing, and processing. In this article you can learn more about some minor challenges with this technology, but also, ways to get rid of them. So, soon Artificial Intelligence will be all over our voice assistants.