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  • How many of you have a side hustle?

    Viktor Surkov
    20 replies
    Are here mostly bootstrappers or your product is your daily job?


    Alexander Kovalov
    Sometimes I feel that my personal life is a side hustle😂
    Cedric Jude Hawthorne
    Yep, been doing freelance web dev on the side for a while now to make some extra 💰. Also recently started an Etsy shop selling some of my photography prints. Always hustling! 💪📸💻
    Nicola Lanzilotto
    The product I work for is my day job. Since I work on it for about 10/11 hours, the rest of the time is dedicated to training and my family.
    Peter Henry
    I am a freelancer
    Nathaniel Cross
    I juggle a side hustle while working full-time. It’s a bit crazy, but I love the challenge!
    Daniel James Harris
    Not quite a side hustle yet, but I'm working on an app idea in my free time that I'm hoping to turn into a business. It's tough finding the time and energy to work on it consistently outside of my day job, but I'm determined to make it happen! Anyone else bootstrapping a side project while working full time and have tips to stay motivated?
    Amelia Waters
    I’m all about bootstrapping right now. Balancing a side project and my main job keeps things interesting.
    William Hayes
    My Product is my full-time gig, so no side hustle for me. I’m all in on this venture!
    Freeman Laffey
    I love spending time with animals and it's a flexible way to make some extra money. 🥰
    Beatrice Cromwell
    Right now, I’m working full-time on my product and putting my side hustle on hold
    Lara Bishop
    I’m in the bootstrapping camp. My side project keeps me busy outside of my main job.
    Anish Hessa
    I’m focused on my main job and not doing much else at the moment. No side hustle for now!
    Melvin Pitts
    I've started a small business selling homemade baked goods. It's a delicious way to share my passion with others.
    Alexander Galitsky
    Can marriage be considered a side hustle?
    Willow Evangeline Harlow
    Started doing some freelance graphic design work on the side last year and it's been great! Not quite enough to quit my day job yet, but it provides a nice extra income stream and lets me be creative in a different way from my 9-5. Anyone else here doing design or creative side hustles?
    Sebastian Cole Ashford
    I do some freelance writing on the side for extra cash. Trying to turn it into more of a legit business though! Also dabble in selling stuff I find at yard sales on eBay. Every little bit helps in this economy, ya know?
    Rachel Marie Thompson
    I do some freelance web design and copywriting on the side to make extra cash. It's a nice creative outlet outside of my regular 9-5 too. Would love to scale it up to something more substantial eventually!
    Emily Thompson
    Side hustling on evenings and weekends with a web dev agency I founded last year. It's tough balancing with my day job but the extra $ is worth it. Hoping to make it my main gig eventually if I can scale up the client base. Anyone else doing the tech freelance thing on the side?