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  • How to treat employees who whisper all the time?

    Salar Davari
    7 replies
    How would you approach those employees who chatter incessantly while working? Is it something to be ignored or dealt with?


    My employees work remotely from home, so they are not chatty in the sense that you mentioned. Therefore, I am not going to be much of a help in directing you in the exact direction to resolve this issue. But I have been an employer for 22 years and have faced many situations, and even though my engineering team was never an issue, business teams had many unusual issues. Long phone calls, constant checking of phone messages, and social media are some of the few issues we dealt with in the past. For your chatty staff, I would recommend: Explain the impact of their constant chatter on the team's productivity and the overall work environment. Encourage them to save their personal discussions for break times or after work hours. Remember, a little humor can go a long way in these situations. Ultimately, our shared goal is to create a harmonious work environment where everyone can be productive and enjoy their work. Your role as a manager is pivotal in achieving this. By addressing the issue of chatty employees, you're not only improving productivity but also fostering a positive work culture. I'm here to support you in this endeavor. .
    Andreas Sohns
    Friendly conversation with employees can resolve things. If it continues, set clear guidelines to maintain a productive workspace.
    Have one on ones? Understand the reason behind this behaivour. Are they shy or insecure or scared? As a manager, try to break the ice. Make them feel part of the group.
    Gurkaran Singh
    Well, whispering employees could be the modern-day ninjas of the office! Jokes aside, addressing their constant chatter respectfully and setting clear expectations on workplace behavior could strike a harmonious balance.
    Stephane Jauffret
    Judge on results. If they’re good and deliver, just ignore. You’re not the police, work needs to be a nice environment to work in. Else, they’ll leave you.