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  • How Will AI Enhance Our Document Handling at Work?

    April Cho
    1 reply
    As we develop QueryPal, an AI chat assistant that syncs with your company's documents to provide instant answers to your whole team. I'd love to gather your insights on how such a tool could transform workflows and decision-making processes. Your feedback is crucial as we tailor this solution to real-world needs. Without further ado, we're curious to know- what is your primary challenge with managing company documents? P.S. As a side note, we're making our ProductHunt launch debut tomorrow, so if you like what we're building, please feel free to leave any and all feedback!


    Felix Scholz
    I am working on an AI-first contract management SaaS, so I am very excited about the possibilities to improve business processes with this technology. I believe the biggest improvements of using AI will be: - finding everything through natural language and - extracting structured data from unstructured documents LLMs shine with these two tasks. They made setting up your "own Google" for your internal documents and labor intensive copy & paste work a breeze.