If I just upvote a product everyday will that keep my streak alive?
louis sankey
4 replies
Elena Tsemirava@elenat
It seems that it's enough to just log into the program, without any additional actions. But I also at least upvote one product and one discussion.
@elenat yeah you're right. Simply logging in to PH everyday can keep your steak alive.
However, I think you'd do better by really being into it. I only joined the PH community some weeks back, but I've made it a duty to come on here everyday, make valuable connections + leave thoughtful comments in discussions like this and also check out a couple of products.
That way you're contributing to the community and your streak stays alive. Win-win 💯
Astro Typers
It can, but unfortunately after almost 400+ days I randomly woke up to my streak being gone. Gave up after that lol
@skillprepare same story
I was at 160. And have to start from scratch.