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  • If you could have dinner with any historical figure or celebrity, who would it be and why?

    Azra Memisevic
    10 replies
    I would love to have dinner with J.R.R. Tolkien and talk about Middle-earth and his inspiration for writing such epic tales. How about you?


    Ermina Pezerović
    Having dinner with Jeff Buckley would be an incredibly emotional and profound experience. I'd want to hear about his creative process and the experiences that inspired his haunting melodies. Despite his untimely death, his legacy lives on, impacting countless lives.
    Ena Gluhakovic
    Frida Kahlo would be my top pick without a doubt. Why? In essence, sharing a meal with hero wouldn't just be a dinner—it would be a celebration of art, life, and the indomitable spirit of a woman who dared to paint outside the lines.
    Azra Memisevic
    @ena_gluhakovic oh, great pick! I love Frida Kahlo too. I'd love to ask her how she found such incredible courage to face all her challenges and still pour her soul into her art. Her resilience and passion are truly inspiring.
    Konrad S.
    Tolkien would surely be interesting, but I'd prefer Jesus if I only can chose one.
    Gurkaran Singh
    Having dinner with Leonardo da Vinci would be a masterpiece! Imagine discussing art, inventions, and maybe even brainstorming the next big startup idea together!
    Probably Travis Kalanick. He gives off that renegade spirit.