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  • If you vote for a product, do you leave a comment? Or not always?

    Alex Egorov
    20 replies
    I always leave a comment if I vote for a product.


    Julia Doronina
    Not always, only if I really like the product!
    Always leave a comment even with the word ‘Congratulations’
    Nico Spijker
    Usually yes. Lately I'm trying to have all comments add to the conversation though. Ask for roadmaps, origin stories, more details etc.
    Daniel Zaitzow
    I try to but I think it depends on the volume of work I've got in a given day. If someone has sent me a message on LinkedIn I typically make a point to have a more curated message.
    @dzaitzow yeah I’m the same, if they reach out to be in a genuine kind of way, I’m happy to help where possible!!
    Daniel Zaitzow
    @slimmy82 I also just shot over a connection request on LinkedIn - Happy to offer a hand with anything you've got in the pipeline!!
    Carol Moh
    I usually like to leave a useful comment if I vote for a product. One of the things I have noted from people who have launched is that they really value the feedback they receive. Also, PH values longer comments more than short comments so I try to ensure that not only my vote but my comment counts.
    @alex_egorov your why made me also think why am I not doing it? TBH I don't have an answer to your WHY but thanks for this. Let me find out why.
    I leave a comment when I have something to say, like a suggestion or if the product blew my mind.
    Kari Maru
    This is one of the best articles I have ever read on this blog. Thank you for sharing very interesting information. slope
    This NOT a political post or statement, but it is my opinion. If you are a US citizen, now is the time to register to vote. No matter your @retro bowl 2