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  • iOS or Android? What's your take

    Andrija Raičević
    59 replies


    Maksym Skrypka
    iOS. I'm iOS dev :)
    Adam Cohen Hillel
    from a developer perspective - iOS, as it usually pays more
    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    Android - always been using it, simple, customizable reliable. I was consideting switching for iOS since I'm user of MacBook, but it would require me to get accostomed to new apps and drop some old once.
    Elizabeth Tishchenko
    @andriyuh yeah, I can imagine, I'm in love with MacOS and can't work on Windows anymore, although I initially didn't want to switch.
    Prem Saini
    IOS for its sleek design, security, and ecosystem cohesion. It's a harmonious experience that caters to both everyday users and tech enthusiasts.
    James Hughes
    Both have their pros and cons, man. iOS for the ecosystem and smooth user experience. Android for customization and variety of devices.
    Yulia Belov
    As a user - iOS for sure. As a tech person - Android (to play around with customisation).
    @dioexul Oh, I agree with this opinion. I develop iOS apps and work with Flutter, so by necessity I use a Mac, but I touch both iOS and Android on a daily basis to keep up with Android technology and updated OS features. But I still prefer iOS.
    from a user perspective - iOs!
    Geri Máté
    iOS (if someone told me I need to learn mobile development from scratch as I'm not a developer)
    Sameer khan
    ios cause i read here https://deutscheclub.de/ that my fav person is using ios
    Alexey Anshakov
    Only Android (would prefer something unlinked to corps though), hate apple
    Dennis Aronov
    Definitely iOS. The multiple Apple products provide me with lots of conveniences that I have gotten used to and at this point I can't imagine changing.
    Dave-Anthony Smith
    I'm not a developer so can't speak from that perspective. But, iOS all the way as a layman user. The ecosystem connectivity alone sells it for me.
    Emma Jon
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