Launch Advice

Kacper Srodecki
1 reply
Hey PH Community! I've just launched a product which ways of promoting the launch do you recommend excl. newsletter?


Nithin Jawahar
First of all congrats on your launch Kacper 👍 Here are some of the ways you can promote your product hunt launch: 1) Post launch updates on social media - Keep making social media posts with the comments you received for your launch, the upvote milestones (50 upvotes,100 upvotes,etc) and share your product hunt launch on communities. 2) Post a discussion on Indiehackers - Share your launch on Indiehackers and get support from the maker community. 3) Get support from your maker friends on Linkedin and twitter - Share launch with your maker friends on linkedin/twitter and get support from them. We have written a complete Product Hunt Launch Guide with steps on what to do on launch day. You can check it out here: