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  • Launched a product a week ago. Did it go in oblivion?

    Aphelia T.
    6 replies
    I see many products getting launched daily, which is super inspiring and exciting to be honest. But what happens to the products after the launch? How has it been in your case? I had a product launch last week and can say that now this page is there and I do refer to it in case of mentioning the product. Other than that, it just exists. Is there any chance to give it a second life?


    Interesting question. Now that you've launched that launch is essentially achieved and sits in the Product Hub. The Product Hunt is your shop front here on Product Hunt and should be optimized for conversions - ie clicks through to your site. This is because Product Hubs are getting traction on Product Hunt - see this: https://twitter.com/maxwellcdavi... This is mainly because when Products are referenced somewhere "alternatives' are suggested so this acts as a funnel into the Product Hub and potentially then through to your site. In addition to that your Product may end up as a search result within product hunt itself. You should try and encourage people to leave reviews of your product so that it gives a better impression and also to follow for future launch notifications. Don't forget you can always launch side products, and relaunch your main product each 6 months if there have been some significant changes.
    Aphelia T.
    Timesheet by Technuf
    Timesheet by Technuf
    @maxwellcdavis This has been a very useful piece of information. Since you mean encouraging people to leave reviews, do you think there is any chance to actually get those if a product is more of a company oriented one rather than for individuals? And I will definitely keep in mind the relaunch and the launch of side products. This does sound like a great opportunity to actually enlarge the recognition base as well as get solid traction. Thank you very much!
    Gibril Longmene
    I have a product mvp to launch this weekend and i don't know how it will go. it is Songwords: AI tool that generate inspirational quotes from your favorites song in just few seconds
    Aphelia T.
    Timesheet by Technuf
    Timesheet by Technuf
    @longmenegib sounds like a nice and of course inspiring project! Good luck with the launch. How have the preparations been so far?
    Gibril Longmene
    @technufllc Actually, When you look at the amount of social groups for motivational quotes and numbers of followers in those groups for social media like facebook, twitter, telegram etc... then it shows this project is inspiring indeed and is a revolution. Imagine everyone would be able to generate quotes