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  • Launching Jaeves: A Call for Collaborative Innovation

    Abdal Yousef
    26 replies
    We're excited to introduce Jaeves, and we invite you to join us in this venture! Your expertise and insights can help shape its future. Together, we can create something extraordinary. Join us in this collaborative effort to bring Jaeves to life. Thank you for your support and contributions!


    David Young
    Chat component looks strong
    Abdal Yousef
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    @oceabdavid thank you for your feedback. Jaeves 2.0 still in beta and there are a lot of features and improvments on UI/UXDesgin that we can add. Please send an E-Mail to feedback@jaeves.com with your feedback. Thank you.
    Elena Kasyan
    Tell me, what needs to be done? This is a very interesting project and together we can make it the best. I've tested many similar AIs and haven't chosen one yet. 1. For me and, I think, for others it would be ideal to either connect the AI to one social network so that the AI generates news for a period (within a few days /1-15 with the possibility to choose/) and automatically send them to the rest of the social networks slightly changing, for example, the tone. In Linkedin professional..... Insagram is humorous. 2 Variant - upload photos once a month, and AI will make publications independently at scheduled time. It would be ideal to combine these 2 options:)
    Prasad Babu Galla
    I would love to collaborate with you. Get ready to rock it.
    Rahul Patel
    I would love to collaborate with you.
    Abdal Yousef
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    @rahul_patel_97 please drop me a message on LinkedIn with your CV and skills and I will try to reply to your message ASAP.
    Rahul Patel
    @abdalyousef can you share me username or profile link?
    Prajeesh P
    I happy to join with you, thank you
    Elric liu
    Would be ready to help
    Abdal Yousef
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    @elric_liu, send me a message to agency@jaeves.com or drop me a message on LinkedIn and I will try to reply to your message as soon as possible.
    Obumneme Okoye
    I like to see it. Hope there is going to be a beta testing of Jaeves inorder to see its use case
    Abdal Yousef
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    @obumneme_okoye hey Obumneme, Jaeves is still in beta. You can try it for free and don't hesitate to give us feedback. we are aware of some improvments that we can make and bugs that we can fix, but there are a lot of bugs and improvements, that we might not know about. we need your help to have a better product and provide a better UI/UX. Thank you in advance :-)
    It looks ready already. What else do you need?
    Abdal Yousef
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    @ijay Well, Jaeves 2.0 still in beta and there are a lot of features and improvments on UI/UXDesgin that we can add.
    @abdalyousef Alright. I once treid to learn UI/UX design and found out fast that I do not have an eye to be a designer, since I didn't notice the improvement that is needed, I guess am still not meant to be a designer. Goodluck on Jaeves 2.0
    Priyanka Gupta
    Would love to help in GTM and marketing
    Abdal Yousef
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    @priyanka_gupta19, thank you for your interest. Let's talk. Send me a message to agency@jaeves.com
    Chris Lester
    Can’t wait!!!
    Mansi Trivedi
    sounds interesting πŸ˜‡ Do share the launch when it goes live
    Abdal Yousef
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    Jaeves: Content & Marketing AI Copilot
    @mansi_trivedi1 We launched Jaeves a couple of days ago and we got the Top Product Award for being the #3 Product of the day 😁😁 thank you for your support, Mansi.