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  • Launching on the AppStore or Web?

    Jim Morrison
    4 replies
    I'm trying to restart a Twitter stock market game we built back in 2010 and I'd love your advice on how to market it. Back in 2010 it had no "mobile" presence... so the big thing we've done is to get it into both AppStores as a mobile app. But sending ads to the AppStores is costing us money with no results. How do others focus their launches? - At the website ➜ convert ➜ encourage app download... or - At the AppStore ➜ download ➜ convert?


    Jim Morrison
    @benbyford Sure, sorry. What can I provide? Background: - App is very Twitter-related, so predominantly advertising on Twitter¹. - Tests have been iPhone audience only ➜ AppStore page Stats: - Click-through to AppStore is good, cost ~£1.00 - Conversion of AppStore ➜ Download appears to be ~1% at best - Conversion of download to SignUp is difficult to know yet (low numbers, noise etc). ~10% ..? Resources: - The game is: https://twidaq.com (relatively good at triaging desktop/mobile experience) - The AppStore lander is: https://twidaq.com/apps/iphone - The PlayStore lander is: https://twidaq.com/apps/android Footnotes: - ¹ it's worth noting that advertising has been super tricky cos I have to do 10 rounds of explaining to a reviewer that we're neither a gambling site (just a game) nor a real financial institution (a confusion which I take as a compliment!).. Just getting the apps into the AppStores, for this reason, has been a multi-year battle. 😅
    ben byford
    @jimbomorrison Hi I guess your last bit is the issue? Still a bit confused by your writing TBH, but looks like when people actually get to the appstore they don't always convert, which sounds really odd if your coming direct from an Ad‽ I would suggest new artwork and messaging there maybe? Show off what you do in the game and that it is in fact a game at all :)
    Jim Morrison
    @benbyford Thanks Ben, Yes! That's the problem... they click on the advert but they don't download/sign-up. It's really weird cos the artwork & copy is pretty similar. I wonder if the ads don't make it obvious that it's a game perhaps? Here's the ad, if that helps: https://twitter.com/stockexchang... .. but the copy & artwork is the same on the AppStore. That's why I'm stumped. Apple now says (their stats are ~48h behind) that our conversion from views ➜ download is 0.3%... 😢 If you look at the ad and then click through.. can you see whats wrong? Is are artwork/copy that poor?