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  • 🚀 Level up your agile software development process! 🎧

    Daniel Burns
    2 replies
    I had an interesting talk with Heiko Burdack and Danny Holtschke on Agiler Senf! We discussed ways to break down layers of success that can help teams achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness 🎬 There are 3 layers to agile software development, or as I like to call it, the "3 fingers diagram" and they include: 🎯 Business direction: when you align your technical team with business goals and objectives 💃 Dance party: the middle layer in which you plan and execute your software development process 🛠️ Dance floor or the "plumbing": the invisible foundation that supports the party, ensuring integration, automation, optimization and streamlining of processes People might think that the key to success is somewhere in the "dance party", while it's in fact beneath the surface where the plumbing happens 👷‍♂️So we need to take a closer look at our technical foundation and ensure it's up to par to support business goals and other layers. With the right plumbing in place, teams can truly dance the night away 💃 📺 Watch the episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMhFxeviyCU What's your take on this? I'd be happy to hear your thoughts and any questions you have. Let's keep the conversation going in the comments!💬


    Svitlana Palamarchuk
    Hey Daniel, I couldn't agree more with your "3 fingers diagram" analogy. The plumbing layer is indeed often overlooked but is absolutely crucial for a seamless agile software development process. Without proper integration, automation, and optimization in place, even the most talented team can struggle. It's like trying to dance at a party with a shaky dance floor. It's just not going to end well, is it?
    Daniel Burns
    @svitlana_palamarchuk Hey Svitlana, exactly! Your analogy of a shaky dance floor is spot on. Without a stable foundation, it's difficult to achieve a successful outcome