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  • Looking to build a career in Bubble.io?

    Chirag Dodiya
    1 reply
    Hey guys, I see a lot of bubble developers on various nocode/ bubble groups on PH asking for advice on how to build a career in the bubble space. As someone who has been into product development in the past 8 years and primarily been focused on bubble development for the past 3 years. The opportunity is immense here. I recommend everything to start with the basics, I had quite basic technical background in traditional technology. I never liked programming so I transitioned into Product Management role back in 2019 and subsequently discovered bubble and become full time into this. Here are few steps I took to build a career: 1 - Learn your ABC I think self-learning is the best skill someone can have in the nocode space. Since there are always some new platforms launching in the industry. You need to really learn your way around new platforms really fast. So having that exposure really helps to build the basics 2 - Start networking Networking is a very underrated skill in the internet world. I dont mean you have you go to offline events and network with strangers who will forget you after 45 minutes. Begin adding value to people on your linkedin platform and talk to business owners are facing any particular problem. The more you talk to people, the more you will be grounded in your ability to identify problems. 3 - Find a community Having a community in nocode is a no-brainer for any developer. Thankfully bubble has matured to a place wherein their forum is very active and are helpful to newbies. This will help you tackle any technical problems you get stuck in. 4 - Find a mentor/ bootcamp This one is quite underrated if you are a freelancer or newbie in development. People underestimate the effects of having guidance unless they are desperate for one. Having a bootcamp wherein a group of people are learning the same thing simultaneously a huge advantage to learn. I recommend Momentum Academy's Bootcamp for any new developer looking to learn bubble. P.S - I teach at the same bootcamp, so you will learn with me and many other awesome devs. Here's an interesting we wrote recently on this topic: https://blog.momentumgroup.tech/build-a-respected-and-well-paid-career-in-tech-with-momentum-academy-102f53e44ea7


    What's the best way to start learning Bubble for a beginner?