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  • Most of us experience down days, how do you deal with them?

    Swapnil D Puranik
    15 replies
    Usually I exercise, read, or take a walk in the nature to beat the down-day and get my energy levels back up. I would like to know what works for you.


    Madeleine Nichols
    Outside time in the woods like you Swapnil, or a run and hot shower are great resets for me I've also found taking some time for working in the garden or to focus on a task that frees my brain up helps reboot great question, intrigued to see other answers
    Swapnil D Puranik
    @madeleine_nichols its amazing how just being in nature frees up our mind and mutes unnecessary mental chatter. thanks for sharing, Madeleine.
    Tornike Phkhovelishvili
    Just had it today. I have a list of tasks that is a 'must do' every day. It takes around 2 hours. Whenever I have a bad day, I do those tasks and stop working. This way, I don't feel bad because of not doing anything + I can still take a rest from working.
    Usually do to a nice meal with the family, afterwards desert (something with lots of good chocolate) and a show / movie - really brings focus back to what's important
    Swapnil D Puranik
    @cedric2 this is wholesome. thanks for sharing, Cedric. Makes me realize I haven't had desserts or watched a movie in a while!
    Ghazal Dewar
    Prayer, meditation, and retail therapy :)
    Swapnil D Puranik
    @gdewar online retail therapy or do you go to a physical store?